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There are 15 eight-letter words containing DITI

ADDITIONaddition n. (Uncountable) The act of adding anything.
addition n. Anything that is added.
addition n. (Uncountable) The arithmetic operation of adding.
ADDITIVEadditive adj. (Mathematics) Pertaining to addition; that can be, or has been, added.
additive adj. (Mathematics, of a function, etc.) That is distributive over addition.
additive adj. (Group theory, of a group, semigroup, etc.) Whose operator is identified as addition.
AUDITINGauditing v. Present participle of audit.
auditing n. The act or result of performing an audit.
AUDITING n. the act of performing an audit.
AUDITIONaudition n. (Countable) A performance, by an aspiring performer, to demonstrate suitability or talent.
audition n. (Uncountable) The sense of hearing.
audition n. An act of hearing; being heard.
AUDITIVEauditive adj. Of or relating to hearing; auditory.
AUDITIVE n. a group of listeners, also AUDITORY.
CARDITICcarditic adj. Having or relating to carditis.
CARDITIC adj. relating to carditis.
CARDITIScarditis n. (Medicine) inflammation of the muscles of the heart.
CARDITIS n. inflammation of the heart.
EDITINGSeditings n. Plural of editing.
EDITING n. the act of editing.
EDITIONSeditions n. Plural of edition.
ENDITINGenditing v. Present participle of endite.
ENDITE v. to charge formally with a crime.
INDITINGinditing v. Present participle of indite.
INDITE v. to write or compose, also DITE, ENDITE.
NUDITIESnudities n. Plural of nudity.
NUDITY n. the state of being nude.
ODDITIESoddities n. Plural of oddity.
ODDITY n. one that is odd.
PUNDITICpunditic adj. Of, or related to a pundit.
PUNDITIC adj. like a pundit.
SEDITIONsedition n. Organized incitement of rebellion or civil disorder against authority or the state, usually by speech or writing.
sedition n. Insurrection or rebellion.
SEDITION n. incitement or rebellion against a government.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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