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There are 19 eight-letter words containing DIAN

APHIDIANaphidian adj. Like an aphid.
aphidian n. A member of genus Aphidoidea.
APHIDIAN n. an aphid, any member of the family Aphidae.
ARCADIANarcadian adj. Pertaining to an arcade.
arcadian adj. Furnished with arcades.
arcadian adj. (Literature) Ideally rustic or pastoral.
ASCIDIANascidian n. Any member of the class Ascidiacea (the sea squirts).
ASCIDIAN n. a sea-squirt or tunicate.
COMEDIANcomedian n. An entertainer who performs in a humorous manner, especially by telling jokes.
comedian n. (By extension) Any person who is humorous or amusing, either characteristically or on a particular occasion.
comedian n. (Dated) A person who performs in theatrical plays.
CONIDIANCONIDIAN adj. relating to a conidium, a kind of reproductive cell found in certain fungi, also CONIDIAL.
DIANODALdianodal adj. (Mathematics) Passing through a node.
DIANODAL adj. passing through a node.
DIANOIASDIANOIA n. perception or experience as inferior forms of knowledge.
DIANTHUSdianthus n. Any plant, such as carnations and pinks, of the genus Dianthus.
Dianthus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Caryophyllaceae – numerous flowering plants, including carnations…
DIANTHUS n. a genus of plants including the pink, carnation, and sweet william.
GUARDIANguardian n. Someone who guards, watches over, or protects.
guardian n. (Law) A person legally responsible for a minor (in loco parentis).
guardian n. (Law) A person legally responsible for an incompetent person.
MEDIANLYmedianly adv. In a median direction.
MEDIAN adv. middle.
MEDIANTSmediants n. Plural of mediant.
MEDIANT n. the third tone of a scale, about midway between tonic and dominant.
MERIDIANmeridian adj. Relating to a meridian (in various senses); meridional.
meridian adj. (Archaic except literary) Relating to midday or noon.
meridian adj. (Obsolete).
OBSIDIANobsidian n. (Mineralogy) A type of naturally occurring black glass produced by volcanoes.
obsidian n. A slightly bluish black, the color of obsidian glass.
obsidian adj. (Poetic) black.
OPHIDIANophidian n. Any species of the suborder Serpentes; a snake or serpent.
ophidian adj. Of or pertaining to the suborder Serpentes; of, related to, or characteristic of a snake or serpent.
OPHIDIAN n. a snake.
RADIANCEradiance n. The quality of being radiant, shining, bright or splendid.
radiance n. (Physics) The flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source.
RADIANCE n. the quality of being radiant, also RADIANCY.
RADIANCYradiancy n. The property of being radiant; radiance.
radiancy n. (Physics) The amount of energy emitted, flux.
RADIANCY n. the quality of being radiant, also RADIANCE.
RADIANTSradiants n. Plural of radiant.
RADIANT n. a straight line from a point about which it is conceived to revolve.
SUIDIANSSUIDIAN n. a member of the pig family, also SUID.
VIRIDIANviridian n. A bluish-green pigment made from chromium sesquioxide.
viridian n. (Color) A bluish-green color.
viridian adj. (Colour) Of a bluish green colour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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