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There are 18 eight-letter words containing DEAL

DEALATEDdealated adj. (Entomology) Having shed or lost its wings, usually in the normal course of its life cycle.
DEALATED adj. without wings.
DEALATESdealates n. Plural of dealate.
DEALATE n. an insect divested of its wings.
DEALBATEdealbate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To whiten.
DEALBATE adj. whitened.
DEALFISHdealfish n. A deep-sea ribbonfish, Trachipterus arcticus, from the north Atlantic.
DEALFISH n. a kind of marine fish, aka ribbonfish.
DEALIGNSdealigns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dealign.
DEALIGN v. to withdraw allegiance to a political party.
DEALINGSdealings n. Relations with others.
dealings n. Business transactions.
DEALING n. a business transaction.
IDEALESSidealess adj. Devoid of ideas.
IDEALESS adj. without ideas.
IDEALISEidealise v. Alternative spelling of idealize.
IDEALISE v. to regard as perfect, also IDEALIZE.
IDEALISMidealism n. The property of a person of having high ideals that are usually unrealizable or at odds with practical life.
idealism n. The practice or habit of giving or attributing ideal form or character to things; treatment of things…
idealism n. (Philosophy) An approach to philosophical enquiry, which asserts that direct and immediate knowledge…
IDEALISTidealist n. (Philosophy) One who adheres to idealism.
idealist n. Someone whose conduct stems from idealism rather than from practicality.
idealist n. An unrealistic or impractical visionary.
IDEALITYideality n. (Uncountable) The quality or state of being ideal.
ideality n. (Uncountable) The capacity to form deals of beauty or perfection.
ideality n. The conceptive faculty.
IDEALIZEidealize v. (Transitive) To regard something as ideal.
idealize v. (Intransitive) To conceive or form an ideal.
idealize v. (Transitive, art) To portray using idealization.
IDEALOGYidealogy n. Misspelling of ideology.
IDEALOGY n. a belief system, also IDEOLOGY.
MEGADEALmegadeal n. (Informal) A transaction of very large size.
megadeal n. (Informal) A deal offering exceptional value for money.
MEGADEAL n. a business deal involving a lot of money.
MISDEALSmisdeals n. Plural of misdeal.
misdeals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misdeal.
MISDEAL v. to deal cards incorrectly.
MISDEALTmisdealt v. Simple past tense and past participle of misdeal.
MISDEAL v. to deal cards incorrectly.
NONIDEALnonideal adj. Not ideal.
NONIDEAL adj. not ideal.
SOMEDEALsomedeal pron. (Obsolete or dialect) Some part; a portion, something; some.
somedeal adv. (Obsolete or dialect) In some measure or degree; somewhat, partly, partially.
SOMEDEAL n. (archaic) a large part of something, also SOMEDELE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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