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There are 15 eight-letter words containing DEAD

DEADBEATdeadbeat n. (Derogatory) A lazy and/or irresponsible person who is often unemployed, often depending upon wealthy…
deadbeat n. A person who defaults on debts.
deadbeat adj. (Of an instrument) having a damped needle that stops without oscillation.
DEADBOLTdeadbolt n. The part of the lock which is moved when the key is engaged.
deadbolt n. A kind of lock in which the bolt (moving portion) is held in position by the cylinder rather than by…
deadbolt v. (Transitive) To fasten or secure with a deadbolt.
DEADBOYSDEADBOY n. a metal plate driven into firm snow for use by mountaineers as a belaying point, also DEADMAN.
DEADENEDdeadened v. Simple past tense and past participle of deaden.
DEADEN v. to deprive of feeling.
DEADENERdeadener n. Something that deadens.
DEADENER n. one that deadens.
DEADEYESdeadeyes n. Plural of deadeye.
dead-eyes n. Plural of dead-eye.
DEADEYE n. a rounded wood block that is encircled by a rope or an iron band and pierced with holes to receive the lanyard and that is used esp. to set up shrouds and stays.
DEADFALLdeadfall n. (Uncountable, Canada, US) Coarse woody debris; deadwood.
deadfall n. (Countable, Canada, US, hunting) A kind of trap for animals, consisting of a heavy board or log that…
deadfall n. (Countable, US, slang) A cheap, rough bar or saloon.
DEADHEADdeadhead n. A person either admitted to a theatrical or musical performance without charge, or paid to attend.
deadhead n. An employee of a transport company, especially a pilot, traveling as a passenger for logistical reasons…
deadhead n. Anyone traveling for free.
DEADLIERdeadlier adj. Comparative form of deadly: more deadly.
DEADLY adj. lethal.
DEADLIFTdeadlift n. (Weightlifting) A weight training exercise where one lifts a loaded barbell off the ground from a stabilized…
deadlift n. Any lift performed without help or leverage.
deadlift n. (Figurative, by extension) An effort made under discouraging conditions.
DEADLINEdeadline n. A time limit in the form of a date on or before which something must be completed.
deadline n. (Archaic) A guideline marked on a plate for a printing press.
deadline n. (Archaic) A line that does not move. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
DEADLOCKdeadlock n. A standstill resulting from the opposition of two evenly matched forces; a stalemate or impasse.
deadlock n. (Computing) An inability to continue due to two programs or devices each requiring a response from the…
deadlock v. (Intransitive) To cause or come to a deadlock.
DEADNESSdeadness n. The state of not being alive. Having the property of lifelessness, as if dead.
deadness n. A lack of elasticity.
deadness n. A lack of sparkle in a fizzy drink.
DEADPANSdeadpans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deadpan.
dead-pans n. Plural of dead-pan.
dead-pans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dead-pan.
DEADWOODdeadwood n. Dead branches or wood on a tree, or coarse woody debris.
deadwood n. People or things judged to be superfluous to an organization or project.
deadwood n. Money not realized by exiting a winning pump trade too early.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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