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There are 15 eight-letter words containing DANT

ABRADANTabradant n. A material used for grinding, as emery, sand, powdered glass, etc.; an abrasive.
abradant adj. Tending to abrade; causing irritation; abrasive.
ABRADANT n. a material used for grinding, as emery, sand, powdered glass, etc.
ABUNDANTabundant adj. Fully sufficient; found in copious supply; in great quantity; overflowing.
abundant adj. Richly supplied; wealthy; possessing in great quantity.
abundant adj. (Mathematics) Being an abundant number, i.e. less than the sum of all of its divisors except itself.
ANDANTESandantes n. Plural of andante.
ANDANTE n. (Italian) a moderately slow musical passage.
AVOIDANTavoidant adj. Exhibiting avoidance; avoiding something.
avoidant n. A person who exhibits avoidance.
AVOIDANT adj. of behaviour, demonstrating a tendency to avoid interaction with others.
DANTONEDdantoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of danton.
DANTON v. to dare, also DAUNTON.
DIVIDANTdividant adj. (Obsolete) different; distinct.
DIVIDANT adj. (Shakespeare) divisible, divided.
FONDANTSfondants n. Plural of fondant.
FONDANT n. (French) a soft sweet made with flavoured sugar and water.
GARDANTSgardants n. Plural of gardant.
GARDANT n. a guardian, also GUARDANT.
GUARDANTguardant adj. (Heraldry, of an animal) Positioned with the body viewed from the side, but with the head turned toward the viewer.
guardant n. (Obsolete) A guardian.
GUARDANT n. a guardian, also GARDANT.
INUNDANTinundant adj. Overflowing.
INUNDANT adj. overflowing.
MORDANTSmordants n. Plural of mordant.
MORDANT v. to impregnate or treat with a substance that combines with and fixes a dyestuff.
OXIDANTSoxidants n. Plural of oxidant.
OXIDANT n. an oxidizing agent.
PEDANTICpedantic adj. Being overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning, like a pedant.
pedantic adj. Being showy of one’s knowledge, often in a boring manner.
PEDANTIC adj. in the manner of a pedant, also PEDANTICAL.
PEDANTRYpedantry n. An excessive attention to detail or rules.
pedantry n. An overly ambitious display of learning.
PEDANTRY n. ostentatious display of knowledge.
PENDANTSpendants n. Plural of pendant.
PENDANT n. anything hanging, esp. for ornament.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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