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There are 19 seven-letter words containing DINE

AMIDINEamidine n. (Chemistry) any of several classes of organic compound, formally derived from oxoacids by replacement…
-amidine suff. (Organic chemistry) Denotes a chemical compound containing an amidine functional group.
AMIDINE n. the soluble matter in starch, also AMIDIN.
DINERICdineric adj. Of a liquid: eddying or whirling.
dineric adj. Relating to the interface between immiscible liquids.
DINERIC adj. pertaining to the interface between two immiscible liquids.
DINEROSDINERO n. (Spanish) a former Peruvian silver coin.
DINETTEdinette n. A small space within a dwelling, usually alongside a kitchen, used for informal dining; a dining alcove or nook.
dinette n. (US, military, informal) A submarine’s mess hall.
dinette n. Furniture for an indoor informal dining space, usually consisting of chairs and a small table.
GRADINEgradine n. A toothed chisel used by sculptors.
gradine n. (Architecture) Any member like a step, such as the raised back of an altar; a gradin.
GRADINE n. one of a series of steps, also GRADIN.
IODINESiodines n. Plural of iodine.
iodines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of iodine.
IODINE n. a nonmetallic element, also IODIN.
NANDINEnandine n. (Archaic) A small West African carnivore, Nandinia binotata, with spots on its sides.
NANDINE n. a West African civet.
NARDINEnardine adj. Relating to the nard plant.
NARDINE adj. pertaining to nard.
NUNDINEnundine n. A market or fair held every eight days, particularly (historical) in Roman contexts.
nundine n. (Obsolete) Any recurring eight-day period; an eight-day ’week’.
NUNDINE n. (Latin) the ancient Roman market-day, every eighth day.
ONDINESondines n. Plural of ondine.
ONDINE n. a female water spirit, also UNDINE.
ORDINEEordinee n. Alternative form of ordainee.
ORDINEE n. one that is being ordained.
ORDINESordines n. Plural of ordo.
ORDO n. an annual religious calendar with instructions for Mass and office for each day.
PARDINEpardine adj. (Rare) Pertaining to or resembling a leopard.
PARDINE adj. pertaining to or like a leopard.
SARDINEsardine n. Any one of several species of small herring which are commonly preserved in olive oil or in tins for…
sardine n. (Obsolete) carnelian.
sardine n. (Figurative) Someone packed or crammed into a small space.
SORDINEsordine n. A mute for musical instruments. For example, the mute instrument for the violin or the damper on the pianoforte.
SORDINE n. a cone-shaped mute for a trumpet, also SORDINO, SOURDINE.
TURDINEturdine adj. Of or relating to the thrushes, or the Turdidae.
TURDINE adj. belonging to a family of singing birds.
UNDINESundines n. Plural of undine.
UNDINE n. a female water spirit, also ONDINE.
UREDINEUREDINE adj. relating to uredo, a rust in plants.
URIDINEuridine n. (Organic chemistry, biochemistry) A nucleoside formed from uracil and ribose.
URIDINE n. a pyrimidine nucleoside based on uracil and ribose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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