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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing DRON

DECAHEDRONSdecahedrons n. Plural of decahedron.
DECAHEDRON n. a solid figure or body inclosed by ten plane surfaces.
DRONISHNESSdronishness n. The quality of being dronish.
DRONISHNESS n. the state of being dronish.
ENNEAHEDRONenneahedron n. (Geometry) A polyhedron with nine faces.
ENNEAHEDRON n. a nine-sided solid figure.
EPIDENDRONEEPIDENDRONE n. a genus of tropical plant, also EPIDENDRUM.
ETIDRONATESetidronates n. Plural of etidronate.
HEMIHEDRONShemihedrons n. Plural of hemihedron.
HEMIHEDRON n. a solid derived in a hemihedral way, such as a tetrahedron.
HEPTAHEDRONheptahedron n. (Mathematics) any polyhedron having seven faces.
HEPTAHEDRON n. a solid figure having several plane faces.
HEXAHEDRONShexahedrons n. Plural of hexahedron.
HEXAHEDRON n. a solid body of six sides or faces.
HOLOHEDRONSholohedrons n. Plural of holohedron.
HOLOHEDRON n. a geometrical form possessing the property of holohedrism.
ICOSAHEDRONicosahedron n. (Geometry) A polyhedron with twenty faces.
icosahedron n. (Geometry, specifically) A regular icosahedron: one of the Platonic solids, all of whose faces are regular…
ICOSAHEDRON n. a polyhedron having 20 faces.
MICRODRONESmicrodrones n. Plural of microdrone.
MICRODRONE n. a small remote-controlled unmanned flying object.
OCTAHEDRONSoctahedrons n. Plural of octahedron.
OCTAHEDRON n. (Greek) a solid bounded by eight plane faces, also OCTOHEDRON.
OCTOHEDRONSoctohedrons n. Plural of octohedron.
OCTOHEDRON n. (Greek) a solid bounded by eight plane faces, also OCTAHEDRON.
PENTAHEDRONpentahedron n. A solid geometric figure with five faces.
PENTAHEDRON n. a five-sided solid figure.
POLYHEDRONSpolyhedrons n. Plural of polyhedron.
POLYHEDRON n. a body or solid contained by many sides or planes.
SQUADRONINGsquadroning v. Present participle of squadron.
SQUADRON v. to organize in divisions of a regiment.
TETRAHEDRONtetrahedron n. (Geometry) A polyhedron with four faces; the regular tetrahedron, the faces of which are equal equilateral…
TETRAHEDRON n. a polyhedron that has four faces.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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