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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing DEMI

ACADEMICALSacademicals n. (Britain) The articles of dress prescribed and worn at some colleges and universities, typically on…
ACADEMICAL n. a college student or teacher.
ACADEMICIANacademician n. (Now chiefly US) A member (especially a senior one) of the faculty at a college or university; an academic.
academician n. A member or follower of an academy, or society for promoting science, art, or literature, such as the…
Academician n. The title for someone who is an academician.
ACADEMICISMacademicism n. (Classical studies, sometimes capitalized) The doctrines of Plato’s academy; specifically the skeptical…
academicism n. (Art, literature) Traditional or orthodox formalism; conventionalism.
academicism n. Speculative thoughts and attitudes.
DEMIBASTIONdemibastion n. (Military) A half bastion, or that part of a bastion consisting of one face and one flank.
DEMIBASTION n. half a bastion, having only one flank, at right angles to the wall.
DEMICANTONSDEMICANTON n. one of two parts of certain Swiss cantons.
DEMIGODDESSdemigoddess n. Female equivalent of demigod.
DEMIGODDESS n. a half-goddess; a woman whose nature is partly divine, esp. a heroine fabled to be the offspring of a god and a mortal.
DEMIGRATIONdemigration n. (Obsolete) emigration.
DEMIGRATION n. change of abode.
DEMIRELIEFSdemireliefs n. Plural of demirelief.
DEMIRELIEF n. carving in which the depth of the relief is halfway between that of high relief and low relief.
DEMIREPDOMSDEMIREPDOM n. the state of being a demirep, a woman of doubtful reputation.
DEMIURGICALdemiurgical adj. Synonym of demiurgic.
DEMIURGICAL adj. relating to a demiurge, also DEMIURGEOUS, DEMIURGIC.
DEMIURGUSESdemiurguses n. Plural of demiurgus.
DEMIURGUS n. (Greek) an inferior god who created the world; a creative power or spirit, also DEMIURGE.
DEMIVIERGESDEMIVIERGE n. a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual activity but retains her virginity.
ENDEMICALLYendemically adv. In an endemic manner.
ENDEMICAL adv. confined to one particular area, e.g. of a disease also ENDEMIC.
ENDEMIOLOGYendemiology n. The scientific study of endemic conditions.
ENDEMIOLOGY n. the study of local diseases.
EPIDEMICITYepidemicity n. The condition of being epidemic.
EPIDEMICITY n. the state of being epidemic.
NONACADEMICnonacademic adj. Not academic; not related to academia.
nonacademic n. One who is not an academic.
non-academic adj. Alternative form of nonacademic.
VINDEMIATEDVINDEMIATE v. (archaic) to gather grapes or other fruit.
VINDEMIATESVINDEMIATE v. (archaic) to gather grapes or other fruit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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