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There are 19 ten-letter words containing DURA

CASCADURAScascaduras n. Plural of cascadura.
CASCADURA n. a type of catfish having a scaly armoured skin.
DURABILITYdurability n. Permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force.
DURABILITY n. the state of being durable.
DURALUMINSduralumins n. Plural of duralumin.
DURALUMIN n. (tradename) a strong light aluminum alloy containing copper, also DURAL, DURALUMINIUM.
DURATIONALdurational adj. Of or pertaining to duration.
DURATIONAL adj. relating to a duration.
ENDURANCESendurances n. Plural of endurance.
ENDURANCE n. the capacity for enduring.
EXTRADURALextradural adj. (Anatomy) Outside of the dura mater.
extradural n. Such an injection.
EXTRADURAL n. the epidural injection of an anaesthetic esp. in childbirth.
INDURATINGindurating v. Present participle of indurate.
INDURATE v. to make hard, callous or unfeeling.
INDURATIONinduration n. Hardness.
induration n. Process of becoming hard.
induration n. (Medicine) Hardening of an area of the body as a reaction to inflammation, hyperemia, or neoplastic infiltration.
INDURATIVEindurative adj. Relating to, causing, or marked by induration or hardening.
INDURATIVE adj. relating to induration.
NONDURABLEnondurable adj. (Economics) Providing useful services for only one period, especially a year.
nondurable n. (Economics) A nondurable good.
NONDURABLE n. goods that are not durable.
OBDURACIESobduracies n. Plural of obduracy.
OBDURACY n. the quality of hardness of heart.
OBDURATELYobdurately adv. In an obdurate manner; stubbornly, intractably or inflexibly.
OBDURATE adv. stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing.
OBDURATINGobdurating v. Present participle of obdurate.
OBDURATE v. to make obdurate, harden physically.
OBDURATIONobduration n. (Obsolete) A hardening of the heart; hardness of heart.
OBDURATION n. a hardening of the heart.
PANDURATEDPANDURATED adj. fiddle-shaped, e.g. of leaves, also PANDURATE, PANDURIFORM.
PERDURABLEperdurable adj. Very durable; long-lasting.
PERDURABLE adj. extremely durable, permanent.
PERDURABLYperdurably adv. In a perdurable manner.
PERDURABLE adv. extremely durable, permanent.
PERDURANCEperdurance n. Permanence, persistence.
PERDURANCE n. lastingness, endurance, also PERDURATION.
PROCEDURALprocedural adj. Related to procedure.
procedural adj. (Computing) Generated by means of a procedure, rather than being designed.
procedural n. (Literature) A type of literature, film, or television program involving a sequence of technical detail.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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