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There are 12 ten-letter words containing DIPL

DIPLOBIONTdiplobiont n. (Biology) Any organism in which haploid and diploid generations alternate.
DIPLOBIONT n. an organism that has both haploid and diploid individuals in its life cycle.
DIPLOCOCCIdiplococci n. Plural of diplococcus.
DIPLOCOCCUS n. a coccus that divides by fission, the two resulting individuals remaining paired.
DIPLODOCUSdiplodocus n. Any of several herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs, of the genus Diplodocus, known as fossils from the late…
Diplodocus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Diplodocidae – the diplodocus.
DIPLODOCUS n. a gigantic, quadruped, herbivorous dinosaur.
DIPLOIDIESdiploidies n. Plural of diploidy.
DIPLOIDY n. the condition of being a diploid.
DIPLOMAINGDIPLOMA v. to confer an honour or privilege upon.
DIPLOMATEDdiplomated v. Simple past tense and past participle of diplomate.
DIPLOMATE v. to invest with a degree or title by diploma.
DIPLOMATESdiplomates n. Plural of diplomate.
diplomates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of diplomate.
DIPLOMATE v. to invest with a degree or title by diploma.
DIPLOMATICdiplomatic adj. Concerning the relationships between the governments of countries.
diplomatic adj. Exhibiting diplomacy; exercising tact or courtesy; using discussion to avoid hard feelings, fights or arguments.
diplomatic adj. Describing a publication of a text which follows a single basic manuscript, but with variants in other…
DIPLONEMASdiplonemas n. Plural of diplonema.
DIPLONEMA n. a less common name for diplotene, a stage of meiotic prophase (cell division).
DIPLOPHASEdiplophase n. (Biology) The diploid phase in the life cycle of an organism.
DIPLOPHASE n. a diploid phase in a life cycle.
DIPLOSPEAKdiplospeak n. Diplomatic language; The careful use of euphemism and noncontroversial language to obscure points that…
diplo-speak n. Alternative form of diplospeak.
DIPLOSPEAK n. the polite and placatory language usually associated with diplomats.
DIPLOTENESdiplotenes n. Plural of diplotene.
DIPLOTENE n. the fourth stage of the prophase of meiosis, in which the chromosomes clearly double.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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