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There are 14 ten-letter words containing DIAC

ADIACTINICadiactinic adj. (Chemistry) Not transmitting the actinic rays.
ADIACTINIC adj. denoting a substance that does not transmit radiation affecting photochemically sensitive materials, such as a safelight in a photographic darkroom.
DIACAUSTICdiacaustic adj. Relating to the caustic curves formed by the refraction of light.
diacaustic n. A refracting lens, which can be used to cauterise.
diacaustic n. The curve or surface formed by the intersection of refracted light rays.
DIACHRONICdiachronic adj. Occurring over or changing with time.
diachronic adj. Of, pertaining to or concerned with changes that occur over time.
DIACHRONIC adj. of the study of a subject (esp. a language) through its historical development, as opposed to synchronic.
DIACHYLONSdiachylons n. Plural of diachylon.
DIACHYLON n. formerly a plaster of plant juices; now lead-plaster, also DIACHYLUM.
DIACHYLUMSDIACHYLUM n. formerly a plaster of plant juices; now lead-plaster, also DIACHYLON.
DIACODIONSdiacodions n. Plural of diacodion.
DIACODION n. (obsolete) a syrup of poppies, also DIACODIUM.
DIACODIUMSdiacodiums n. Plural of diacodium.
DIACODIUM n. (obsolete) a syrup of poppies, also DIACODION.
DIACONATESdiaconates n. Plural of diaconate.
DIACONATE n. the office of a deacon.
DIACONICONdiaconicon n. A sacristy for sacred vessels in a Greek church, on the south side of the bema or sanctuary.
DIACONICON n. a sacristy for sacred vessels in Orthodox churches.
DIACOUSTICdiacoustic adj. Relating to diacoustics.
DIACOUSTIC adj. pertaining to the refraction of sound.
DIACRITICSdiacritics n. Plural of diacritic.
DIACRITIC n. a mark or sign serving to distinguish different values or sounds of the same letter e.g. an acute accent.
DIACTINISMDIACTINISM n. the ability to transmit photochemically active radiation.
EPICARDIACepicardiac adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the epicardium.
EPICARDIAC adj. relating to the epicardium, that part of the pericardium which forms the outer surface of the heart, also EPICARDIAL.
NONCARDIACnoncardiac adj. Not cardiac; not related to the heart.
NONCARDIAC adj. not related to the heart.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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