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There are 18 ten-letter words containing DERO

BANDEROLESbanderoles n. Plural of banderole.
BANDEROLE n. (French) a small banner or streamer, also BANDEROL, BANDROL, BANNERALL, BANNEROL.
BURLADEROSburladeros n. Plural of burladero.
BURLADERO n. (Spanish) the wooden barrier in a bullring used for protection.
CHUNDEROUSchunderous adj. (Australia, slang) sickening; nauseating.
CHUNDEROUS adj. nauseating.
CURANDEROScuranderos n. Plural of curandero.
CURANDERO n. a male faith healer.
DEROGATELYderogately adv. (Archaic) In a derogatory manner.
DEROGATELY adj. (Shakespeare) in a derogatory manner.
DEROGATINGderogating v. Present participle of derogate.
DEROGATE v. to lessen by taking away; to detract.
DEROGATIONderogation n. An act which belittles; disparagement.
derogation n. (Law) The act of derogating; the temporary or partial nullification of a law.
DEROGATION n. a taking from, a detraction.
DEROGATIVEderogative adj. Disparaging; tending or intending to be belittling.
derogative adj. Of or pertaining to derogation; that derogates.
derogative n. (Rare) A derogatory word or word-form.
DEROGATORYderogatory adj. Disparaging.
derogatory adj. (Usually with to) Tending to derogate…
derogatory adj. (Law, of a clause in a testament) Being or pertaining to a derogatory clause.
FOUNDEROUSfounderous adj. (Archaic) Difficult to travel; likely to trip one up.
FOUNDEROUS adj. causing to founder.
GARDEROBESgarderobes n. Plural of garderobe.
GARDEROBE n. (historical) a chamber for storing clothes; a private chamber, a privy.
GLANDEROUSglanderous adj. Characteristic of, pertaining to, or afflicted by glanders.
GLANDEROUS adj. of or pertaining to glanders, a disease of horses.
PLUNDEROUSplunderous adj. Tending to plunder.
PLUNDEROUS adj. of or like plunder.
PONDEROSASponderosas n. Plural of ponderosa.
PONDEROSA n. (Spanish) a kind of pine found in the US.
SIDEROLITEsiderolite n. (Rare) An iron meteorite; a siderite.
SIDEROLITE n. a meteorite made up partly of stone, partly of iron.
SIDEROSTATsiderostat n. (Astronomy) A heliostat that may be used with stars as well as the sun.
SIDEROSTAT n. a mirror, or telescope with a mirror, for reflecting the rays of a star in a constant direction.
SLANDEROUSslanderous adj. (Of something said) Both untrue and harmful to a reputation.
SLANDEROUS adj. relating to slander.
THUNDEROUSthunderous adj. Very loud; that sounds like thunder; thundersome. Also in metaphorical expressions, signifying fury.
THUNDEROUS adj. sounding like thunder, also THUNDROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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