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There are 16 ten-letter words containing DELE

DELECTABLEdelectable adj. Highly pleasing; delightful, especially to any of the senses; delicious.
delectable n. Something that is delectable.
DELECTABLE adj. very tasty.
DELECTABLYdelectably adv. In a delectable manner; delightfully.
DELECTABLE adv. very tasty.
DELECTATEDdelectated v. Simple past tense and past participle of delectate.
DELECTATE v. to delight.
DELECTATESdelectates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of delectate.
DELECTATE v. to delight.
DELEGACIESdelegacies n. Plural of delegacy.
DELEGACY n. the act of delegating.
DELEGATEESdelegatees n. Plural of delegatee.
DELEGATEE n. one to whom something is delegated.
DELEGATINGdelegating v. Present participle of delegate.
DELEGATE v. to appoint as one's representative.
DELEGATIONdelegation n. An act of delegating.
delegation n. A group of delegates used to discuss issues with an opponent.
delegation n. (Computing) A method-dispatching technique describing the lookup and inheritance rules for self-referential calls.
DELEGATORSdelegators n. Plural of delegator.
DELEGATOR n. one who delegates.
DELEVERAGEdeleverage v. (Finance) To reduce debt by rapidly selling assets.
DELEVERAGE v. (of an organization) to reduce the ratio of debt capital to equity capital.
FADELESSLYfadelessly adv. (Poetic) Without fading; lastingly or eternally.
FADELESS adv. not fading.
MADELEINESmadeleines n. Plural of madeleine.
MADELEINE n. (French) a small, rich cake baked in a fluted, shell-shaped pan.
REMODELERSremodelers n. Plural of remodeler.
REMODELER n. one who remodels.
SIDELEVERSside-levers n. Plural of side-lever.
SIDELEVERS n. (Australian slang) side whiskers, sideburns.
STRIDELEGSstridelegs adv. Astride.
stridelegs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strideleg.
STRIDELEGS adv. (Scots) astride, also STRIDELEGGED.
UNDELETINGundeleting v. Present participle of undelete.
UNDELETE v. to undo the deletion of a computer file.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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