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There are 7 nine-letter words containing DUP

DUPLEXERSduplexers n. Plural of duplexer.
DUPLEXER n. a system allowing use of the same aerial for transmission and response.
DUPLEXINGduplexing v. Present participle of duplex.
DUPLEXING n. the act of making duplex.
DUPLEXITYduplexity n. The state of being duplex.
DUPLEXITY n. the state of being duplex, double.
DUPLICANDduplicand n. (Scotland, law) A doubling of the duty to be paid on a feu.
DUPLICAND n. something being duplicated.
DUPLICATEduplicate adj. Being the same as another; identical, often having been copied from an original.
duplicate adj. (Games) In which the hands of cards, tiles, etc. are preserved between rounds to be played again by other players.
duplicate v. (Transitive) To make a copy of.
DUPLICITYduplicity n. Intentional deceptiveness; double-dealing.
DUPLICITY n. doubleness, esp. in conduct or intention.
DUPONDIUSdupondius n. (Historical) A bronze coin minted during the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, equal to two asses.
DUPONDIUS n. an old Roman coin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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