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There are 12 nine-letter words containing DUO

ARDUOUSLYarduously adv. In an arduous manner.
ARDUOUS adv. laborious.
ASSIDUOUSassiduous adj. Hard-working, diligent or regular (in attendance or work); industrious.
ASSIDUOUS adj. diligent; persistent.
DECIDUOUSdeciduous adj. (Biology, anatomy) Describing a part that falls off, or is shed, at a particular time or stage of development.
deciduous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to trees which lose their leaves in winter or the dry season.
deciduous adj. Transitory, ephemeral, not lasting.
DIVIDUOUSdividuous adj. Divided; dividual.
DIVIDUOUS adj. divided; special.
DUOBINARYduobinary adj. (Telecommunications) Being, or pertaining to, a bipolar encoding in which the ones are represented alternately…
DUOBINARY adj. denoting a communications system for coding digital data.
DUODECIMOduodecimo n. (Paper, printing) A size of paper, so called because it is originally made by folding and cutting a…
duodecimo n. A sheet or page of that size.
duodecimo n. (Printing) A book having pages of that size.
DUODENARYduodenary adj. Twelvefold.
duodenary adj. Of the twelfth order.
duodenary adj. (Obsolete) Duodecimal.
DUODENUMSduodenums n. Plural of duodenum.
DUODENUM n. (Latin) the first portion of the small intestine.
DUOLOGUESduologues n. Plural of duologue.
DUOLOGUE n. a conversation between two people, also DUOLOG.
DUOPOLIESduopolies n. Plural of duopoly.
DUOPOLY n. the market condition when there are two sellers only.
DUOPOLISTduopolist n. A member of a duopoly.
DUOPOLIST n. a member of a duopoly, a situation in which two companies etc are the only suppliers in a particular market.
RESIDUOUSresiduous adj. (Archaic) Remaining; residual.
RESIDUOUS adj. remaining, also RESIDUAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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