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There are 14 nine-letter words containing DEU

ASCENDEURascendeur n. A metal grip that attaches to a rope sling and can be tightened to hold a climber or loosened to allow…
ASCENDEUR n. (French) a metal grip that is threaded on a rope as a climbing aid.
DEUDDARNSdeuddarns n. Plural of deuddarn.
DEUDDARN n. (Welsh) a Welsh dresser or sideboard in two stages.
DEUTERATEdeuterate v. (Chemistry, transitive) To replace one or more hydrogen atoms in (a molecule) with deuterium.
DEUTERATE v. to add deuterium to; to replace hydrogen by deuterium in molecules.
DEUTERIDEdeuteride n. (Chemistry) Any hydride in which normal hydrogen is replaced by deuterium.
DEUTERIDE n. a hydrogen compound containing another element.
DEUTERIUMdeuterium n. (Physics) An isotope of hydrogen formed of one proton and one neutron in each atom - 21H.
deuterium n. An atom of this isotope.
DEUTERIUM n. heavy hydrogen, an isotope of hydrogen of double mass.
DEUTERONSdeuterons n. Plural of deuteron.
DEUTERON n. the nucleus of heavy hydrogen, also DEUTON.
FROIDEURSfroideurs n. Plural of froideur.
FROIDEUR n. (French) coolness in personal relationships.
FRONDEURSfrondeurs n. Plural of frondeur.
FRONDEUR n. (French) a member of the Fronde, a rebellious movement established in France during the reign of Louis XIV.
GRANDEURSgrandeurs n. Plural of grandeur.
GRANDEUR n. (French) impressive size.
PAEDEUTICPAEDEUTIC adj. relating to paideutics, the science or art of teaching, also PAIDEUTIC.
PAIDEUTICpaideutic adj. Relating to paideutics.
PAIDEUTIC adj. relating to paideutics, the science or art of teaching, also PAEDEUTIC.
PROPODEUMpropodeum n. The first abdominal segment in wasps, bees and ants, fused with the thorax to form the mesosoma.
PROPODEUM n. in some Hymenoptera, the first abdominal segment, also PROPODEON.
STOMODEUMstomodeum n. (Anatomy) A depression on the ectoderm of a developing embryo that becomes the mouth.
STOMODEUM n. an embryonic oral cavity.
VENDEUSESvendeuses n. Plural of vendeuse.
VENDEUSE n. (French) a saleswoman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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