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There are 13 nine-letter words containing DEH

ALDEHYDESaldehydes n. Plural of aldehyde.
ALDEHYDE n. a volatile liquid obtained from alcohol by certain processes of oxidation.
ALDEHYDICaldehydic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, relating to, or being an aldehyde; having the character of an aldehyde.
ALDEHYDIC adj. of or pertaining to aldehyde; as, aldehydic acid.
BEDEHOUSEbedehouse n. Alternative form of beadhouse.
BEDEHOUSE n. a chapel, also BEADHOUSE.
DEHAIRINGdehairing v. Present participle of dehair.
DEHAIR v. to remove the hair from.
DEHISCENTdehiscent adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to dehiscence, i.e., a rupture, as with a surgical wound opening up, often…
dehiscent adj. (Botany) Which dehisces or presents dehiscence.
DEHISCENT adj. gaping, bursting open, as the capsule of a plant.
DEHISCINGdehiscing v. Present participle of dehisce.
DEHISCE v. to split open.
DEHORNERSdehorners n. Plural of dehorner.
DEHORNER n. an implement for removing the horns from cattle.
DEHORNINGdehorning v. Present participle of dehorn.
DEHORN v. to deprive of horns.
DEHORTERSdehorters n. Plural of dehorter.
DEHORTER n. a dissuader; an adviser to the contrary.
DEHORTINGdehorting v. Present participle of dehort.
DEHORT v. to dissuade.
DEHYDRATEdehydrate v. To lose or remove water; to dry.
DEHYDRATE v. to dry out, remove the water from.
INTIFADEHintifadeh n. Alternative form of intifadah.
INTIFADEH n. (Arabic) the uprising in 1987 and continued resistance by Palestinians to Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Jordan, also INTIFADA, INTIFADAH.
SIDEHILLSsidehills n. Plural of sidehill.
SIDEHILL n. the side or slope of a hill.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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