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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing DSO

ADSORBEDadsorbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of adsorb.
ADSORB v. to gather and hold another substance on the surface.
ADSORBERadsorber n. Something which adsorbs, especially a solid material, such as activated carbon, that has a high surface…
ADSORBER n. something that adsorbs.
BEDSOCKSbedsocks n. Plural of bedsock.
BEDSOCKS n. socks worn in bed.
BEDSONIAbedsonia n. (Dated) The chlamydia microorganism.
BEDSONIA n. a kind of virus.
BEDSORESbedsores n. Plural of bedsore.
BEDSORE n. a type of sore caused by lying in bed.
BIRDSONGbirdsong n. (Ornithology) A vocalisation made by a bird for the purposes of courtship.
birdsong n. Vocalisations made by birds, considered collectively.
Birdsong prop.n. A surname.
GLADSOMEgladsome adj. Marked by joy or gladness; happy, joyous, or light-hearted.
GLADSOME adj. feeling pleasure.
GRANDSONgrandson n. A son of one’s child.
GRANDSON n. the son of one's son or daughter.
HANDSOMEhandsome adj. Having a pleasing appearance, good-looking, attractive, particularly.
handsome adj. Good, appealing, appropriate.
handsome adj. Generous or noble in character.
MIDSOLESmidsoles n. Plural of midsole.
MIDSOLE n. the middle layer of the sole of a shoe.
PODSOLICpodsolic adj. Alternative form of podzolic.
PODSOLIC adj. relating to podsol, a leached soil formed in cool, humid climates, also PODZOLIC.
SANDSOAPsandsoap n. A kind of soap with embedded grains of sand, giving it a coarse, gritty texture, and used for exfoliation…
SANDSOAP n. a soap for heavy cleaning.
WINDSOCKwindsock n. (Aviation) A large, conical, open-ended tube designed to indicate wind direction and relative wind speed…
wind␣sock n. Alternative form of windsock.
WINDSOCK n. a device on an aerodrome to show the strength of the wind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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