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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing DEX

CAUDEXEScaudexes n. Plural of caudex.
CAUDEX n. (Latin) the woody base of some plants.
DEXTRALSDEXTRAL n. a right-handed person.
DEXTRANSdextrans n. Plural of dextran.
DEXTRAN n. a substitute for blood plasma.
DEXTRINEdextrine n. Dated form of dextrin.
DEXTRINE n. a substance used as an adhesive, also DEXTRIN.
DEXTRINSdextrins n. Plural of dextrin.
DEXTRIN n. a substance used as an adhesive, also DEXTRINE.
DEXTROSEdextrose n. The naturally-occurring dextrorotatory form of glucose monosaccharide molecule.
DEXTROSE n. a form of glucose.
DEXTROUSdextrous adj. (Chiefly UK) Alternative spelling of dexterous.
DEXTROUS adj. skillful and active with the hands, also DEXTEROUS.
ENDEXINEENDEXINE n. an inner layer of the exine, the tough outer wall of a pollen grain.
FEDEXINGfedexing v. Present participle of fedex.
Fedexing v. Present participle of Fedex.
FedExing v. Present participle of FedEx.
INDEXERSindexers n. Plural of indexer.
INDEXER n. one who indexes.
INDEXINGindexing v. Present participle of index.
indexing n. A system used to assign indexes.
INDEXING n. the linking of wages and cost-of-living levels.
SUBINDEXsubindex n. A subsidiary index, or one that represents a sector of a larger one.
subindex n. (Mathematics) A subscript.
SUBINDEX n. a distinguishing symbol written below another character.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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