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There are 11 six-letter words containing DRU

BEDRUGbedrug v. (Transitive) To drug abundantly or excessively.
BEDRUG v. to drug abundantly or excessively.
DRUDGEdrudge n. A person who works in a low servile job.
drudge n. (Derogatory) Someone who works for (and may be taken advantage of by) someone else.
drudge v. (Intransitive) To labour in (or as in) a low servile job.
DRUGGYdruggy n. Alternative form of druggie.
druggy adj. Acting as if on drugs; torpid, uncoordinated, etc.
DRUGGY adj. affected by drugs.
DRUIDSdruids n. Plural of druid.
Druids n. Plural of Druid.
DRUID n. one of an ancient order of Celtic priests.
DRUMLYdrumly adj. (Obsolete, dialect, UK, Scotland) turbid; muddy.
DRUMLY adj. (Scots) turbid, muddy, gloomy.
DRUMMYdrummy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a drum.
DRUMMY n. (South African) a drum majorette.
DRUNKSdrunks n. Plural of drunk.
DRUNK n. an intoxicated person.
DRUPELdrupel n. Synonym of drupelet.
DRUPEL n. a small part of a fruit like a raspberry, also DRUPELET.
DRUPESdrupes n. Plural of drupe.
DRUPE n. a fleshy fruit.
DRUSENdrusen n. Plural of druse.
DRUSE n. a crust of small crystals lining a rock cavity.
DRUSESdruses n. Plural of druse.
Druses n. Plural of Druse.
DRUSE n. a crust of small crystals lining a rock cavity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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