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There are 18 six-letter words containing DIR

DIRAMSdirams n. Plural of diram.
DIRAM n. a monetary unit of Tajikistan.
DIRDAMDIRDAM n. (Scots) an uproar, also DIRDUM, DURDUM.
DIRDUMDIRDUM n. (Scots) an uproar, also DIRDAM, DURDUM.
DIRECTdirect adj. Proceeding without deviation or interruption.
direct adj. Straight; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous; leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end.
direct adj. Straightforward; sincere.
DIRELYdirely adv. In a dire manner.
DIRE adv. disastrous.
DIRESTdirest adj. Superlative form of dire: most dire.
DIRE adj. disastrous.
DIRGESdirges n. Plural of dirge.
DIRGE n. a funeral song or hymn; a slow and mournful piece of music, also DIRIGE.
DIRHAMdirham n. A unit of currency used in the Arab world, currently the name of the currency of Morocco and the United Arab Emirates.
dirham n. (Historical units of measurement) Alternative form of dirhem: a former Turkish unit of weight.
Dirham n. Alternative letter-case form of dirham.
DIRHEMdirhem n. (Historical units of measurement) A former small Turkish unit of weight, variously reckoned as 1.5–3…
dirhem n. (Chiefly historical Turkish contexts) Alternative form of dirham: a former silver coin weighing one…
DIRHEM n. (Arabic) a Middle Eastern coin, also DIRHAM, DERHAM.
DIRIGEdirige n. A Roman Catholic service for the dead, being the first antiphon of matins for the dead, of which dirige…
DIRIGE n. (obsolete) a dirge.
DIRKEDdirked v. Simple past tense and past participle of dirk.
DIRK v. to stab with a small knife.
DIRKESdirkes n. Plural of dirke.
Dirkes prop.n. A surname.
DIRKE v. (Spenser) to darken.
DIRLEDDIRL v. (Scots) to (cause to) vibrate, also THIRL, TIRL.
DIRNDLdirndl n. A traditional Alpine women’s dress having a tight bodice and full skirt.
DIRNDL n. (German) an Alpine peasant woman's dress.
DIRTEDdirted v. Simple past tense of dirt.
DIRT v. to make dirty.
MANDIRmandir n. (Hinduism, only in India) A Hindu temple.
MANDIR n. (Hindi) a Hindu temple, also MANDIRA.
MUDIRSmudirs n. Plural of mudir.
MUDIR n. (Arabic) a local governor.
NADIRSnadirs n. Plural of nadir.
nadirs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nadir.
NADIR n. (Arabic) the point of the heavens diametrically opposite to the zenith.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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