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There are 12 six-letter words containing DIL

AEDILEaedile n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) An elected official who was responsible for the maintenance of public buildings…
ædile n. Obsolete form of aedile.
AEDILE n. (Latin) in classical times, a magistrate in charge of games, markets or buildings, also EDILE.
AUDILEaudile n. A person whose mental imagery consists of sounds.
audile adj. Pertaining to hearing.
AUDILE n. one who thinks in terms of sounds.
BODILYbodily adj. Of, relating to, or concerning the body.
bodily adj. Having a body or material form; physical; corporeal.
bodily adj. Real; actual; put into execution.
DILATEdilate v. (Transitive) To enlarge; to make bigger.
dilate v. (Intransitive) To become wider or larger; to expand.
dilate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To speak largely and copiously; to dwell in narration; to enlarge; with "on" or "upon".
DILDOEdildoe n. Obsolete form of dildo.
DILDOE n. an object used as a penis substitute, also DILDO.
DILDOSdildos n. Plural of dildo.
DILDO n. an object used as a penis substitute, also DILDOE.
DILLEDdilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of dill.
DILLED adj. flavoured with dill.
DILLISdillis n. Plural of dilli.
DILLI n. (Native Australian) a dilly-bag, an Australian aboriginal bag made of woven grass or fibre.
DILUTEdilute v. (Transitive) To make thinner by adding solvent to a solution, especially by adding water.
dilute v. (Transitive) To weaken, especially by adding a foreign substance.
dilute v. (Transitive, stock market) To cause the value of individual shares or the stake of a shareholder to…
EDILESediles n. Plural of edile.
EDILE n. (Latin) in classical times, a magistrate in charge of games, markets or buildings, also AEDILE.
SEDILEsedile n. Alternative form of sedilium (“type of seat in a church”).
SEDILE n. (Latin) a seat in a church for officiating clergy, also SEDILIUM.
TIDILYtidily adv. In a tidy manner; neatly; cleanly.
tidily adv. (Obsolete) seasonably; betimes.
tidily adv. (Obsolete) suitably; duly; favourably.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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