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There are 12 six-letter words containing DGI

BODGIEbodgie n. (Australia, New Zealand, slang) A member of a 1950s rock subculture; a teddy boy.
BODGIE adj. fake.
BODGIE n. an Australian Teddy boy of the 1950s.
BUDGIEbudgie n. (Informal) A budgerigar.
BUDGIE n. (colloquial) a budgerigar.
EDGIERedgier adj. Comparative form of edgy: more edgy.
EDGY adj. nervous.
EDGILYedgily adv. In an edgy manner.
EDGY adv. nervous.
EDGINGedging v. Present participle of edge.
edging n. Anything that forms, defines, or marks the edge of something.
edging n. (Rock climbing) A technique involving the placement of the edge of the climbing shoe on a sharp hold.
GADGIEgadgie n. (Scotland, Geordie, Mackem, Teesside) A man.
gadgie n. (Scotland, especially Dundee, derogatory) A person who is poorly educated and engages in hooliganism…
KIDGIEKIDGIE adj. (Scots) brisk, cheerful, also CADGY, KEDGE, KEDGY, KIDGE.
MIDGIEmidgie n. (Scotland, Northumbria) A midge, midgeling.
midgie n. (Scotland, colloquial) A dump, midden; trash bin.
MIDGIE n. (colloquial) a small biting insect such as a midge or sandfly.
PIDGINpidgin n. (Linguistics) An amalgamation of two disparate languages, used by two populations having no common language…
pidgin n. (Archaic, idiomatic) A person’s business, occupation, work, or trade (also spelt as pigeon).
PIDGIN n. a simplified speech used for communication between people with different languages, also PIDGEON.
RIDGILridgil n. Alternative form of ridgel.
RIDGIL n. a male animal with only one testicle, also RIDGEL, RIDGELING, RIDGLING, RIGGALD, RIGLIN, RIGLING.
WEDGIEwedgie n. (Colloquial) A wedge-heeled shoe.
wedgie n. (Slang) A prank in which a person’s underpants are pulled up sharply from behind in order to wedge the…
wedgie n. (Slang) A situation where a person’s underpants are stuck uncomfortably between their buttocks.
WIDGIEwidgie n. (Australia, slang) A female bodgie.
widgie n. (Northern England, juvenile, slang) A penis.
WIDGIE n. an Australian Teddy girl of the 1950s, the female equivalent of a bodgie.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 22 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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