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There are 13 six-letter words containing DEP

ADEPTSadepts n. Plural of adept.
ADEPT n. an expert.
DEPARTdepart v. (Intransitive) To leave.
depart v. (Intransitive) To set out on a journey.
depart v. (Intransitive, euphemistic) To die.
DEPENDdepend v. (Intransitive, followed by on or upon, formerly also by of) To be contingent or conditioned; to have…
depend v. (Intransitive, followed by on or upon) To trust; to have confidence; to rely.
depend v. (Now literary) To hang down; to be sustained by being fastened or attached to something above.
DEPERMdeperm v. (Transitive, chiefly nautical) To degauss or demagnetize; especially, to degauss a ship by dragging…
deperm n. (Chiefly nautical) The act or process of deperming.
DEPERM v. to demagnetize (a ship or submarine) to protect it from magnetic detection.
DEPICTdepict v. To render a representation of something, using words, sounds, images, or other means.
depict adj. (Obsolete) Depicted.
DEPICT v. to portray.
DEPLOYdeploy v. (Transitive, ergative) To prepare and arrange (usually military unit or units) for use.
deploy v. (Transitive, intransitive) To unfold, open, or otherwise become ready for use.
deploy v. (Computing) To install, test and implement a computer system or application.
DEPONEdepone v. (Intransitive, law) To testify, especially in the form of a deposition.
depone v. (Transitive, law) To take the deposition of; to depose.
depone v. (Transitive, rare, obsolete) To lay, as a stake; to wager.
DEPORTdeport v. (Reflexive, now rare) To comport (oneself); to behave.
deport v. (Transitive) To evict, especially from a country.
DEPORT v. to expel from a country.
DEPOSEdepose v. (Literally, transitive) To put down; to lay down; to deposit; to lay aside; to put away.
depose v. (Transitive) To remove (a leader) from (high) office, without killing the incumbent.
depose v. (Law, intransitive) To give evidence or testimony, especially in response to interrogation during a deposition.
DEPOTSdepots n. Plural of depot.
dépôts n. Plural of dépôt.
DEPOT n. a railway or bus station.
DEPTHSdepths n. Plural of depth.
depths n. (Literary) The deepest part. (Usually of a body of water.)
depths n. (Literary) A very remote part.
DEPUTEdepute v. (Obsolete) To assign (someone or something) to or for something.
depute v. To delegate (A task, etc.) to a subordinate.
depute v. To deputize (someone), to appoint as deputy.
DEPUTYdeputy n. One appointed as the substitute of others, and empowered to act for them, in their name or their behalf;…
deputy n. (Mining, historical) A person employed to install and remove props, brattices, etc. and to clear gas…
deputy n. (France) A member of the Chamber of Deputies, formerly called Corps Législatif.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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