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There are 13 five-letter words containing DUN

ADUNCadunc adj. (Usually of a nose) Curved inward, hooked.
ADUNC adj. (Latin) hooked, also ADUNCATE, ADUNCATED, ADUNCOUS.
DUNAMdunam n. (Historical) An Ottoman Turkish unit of surface area nominally equal to 1,600 square (Turkish) paces…
dunam n. A modern Turkish unit of surface area equal to a decare (1000 m2), equivalent to the modern Greek stremma.
dunam n. Various other units in other areas of the former Ottoman Empire, usually equated to the decare but sometimes…
DUNCEdunce n. An unintelligent person.
DUNCE n. a stupid person.
DUNCHdunch v. (Geordie) To knock against; to hit, punch.
dunch v. (Geordie) To crash into; to bump into.
dunch v. (Scotland) To gore with the horns, as a bull.
DUNESdunes n. Plural of dune.
DUNE n. a hill of sand.
DUNGSdungs n. Plural of dung.
dungs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dung.
DUNG v. to fertilize with manure.
DUNGYdungy adj. Resembling or characteristic of dung.
dungy adj. Covered in dung.
DUNGY adj. having the quality of dung, filthy.
DUNKSdunks n. Plural of dunk.
dunks n. Ziziphus mauritiana, a tropical fruit tree.
dunks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dunk.
DUNNOdunno cont. (Informal) Pronunciation spelling of do not know; pronunciation spelling of does not know.
dunno n. An utterance of the word dunno.
DUNNO v. (colloquial) I don't know.
DUNNYdunny adj. Somewhat dun, dusky brownish.
dunny adj. (UK dialect) Somewhat deaf, hard of hearing.
dunny adj. (UK dialect, derogatory euphemistic) Slow to answer: stupid, unintelligent.
DUNSHdunsh v. (Geordie) Alternative spelling of dunch.
DUNSH v. (Scots) to jog, nudge, also DUNCH.
DUNTSdunts n. Plural of dunt.
DUNT v. to strike with a heavy blow.
VODUNvodun n. Alternative form of voodoo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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