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There are 9 five-letter words containing DIO

ADDIOADDIO n. (Italian) goodbye.
ADIOSadios interj. (In Spanish contexts) goodbye.
adios n. A goodbye.
adios v. To leave; to literally or figuratively say “adios” to.
AUDIOaudio adj. Focused on audible sound, as opposed to sight.
audio n. A sound, or a sound signal.
audio- pref. Sound.
DIODEdiode n. (Electronics) An electronic device that allows current to flow in one direction only; used chiefly as a rectifier.
DIODE n. a type of electron tube.
DIOLSdiols n. Plural of diol.
DIOL n. an alcohol with two hydroxyl groups in the molecule.
DIOTAdiota n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) A vase or drinking cup with two handles.
Diota prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Erebidae – certain tiger moths.
DIOTA n. (Greek) an ancient two-handled vase.
IDIOMidiom n. A manner of speaking, a mode of expression peculiar to a language, language family, or group of people.
idiom n. A language or language variety; specifically, a restricted dialect used in a given historical period, context etc.
idiom n. An established phrasal expression whose meaning may not be deducible from the literal meanings of its component words.
IDIOTidiot n. (Derogatory) A person of low general intelligence.
idiot n. (Derogatory) A person who makes stupid decisions; a fool.
idiot n. (Obsolete, medicine, psychology) A person of the lowest intellectual standing, a person who lacks the…
RADIOradio n. (Uncountable) The technology that allows for the transmission of sound or other signals by modulation…
radio n. (Countable) A device that can capture (receive) the signal sent over radio waves and render the modulated…
radio n. (Countable) On-board entertainment system in a car, usually including a radio receiver as well as the…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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