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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing DID

AUTODIDACTSautodidacts n. Plural of autodidact.
AUTODIDACT n. a self-taught person.
CANDIDACIEScandidacies n. Plural of candidacy.
CANDIDACY n. the state of being a candidate.
CANDIDATUREcandidature n. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) The condition of becoming a candidate; candidateship.
CANDIDATURE n. the state of being a candidate.
CANDIDIASEScandidiases n. Plural of candidiasis.
CANDIDIASIS n. a thrush-like infection caused by the candida fungus.
CANDIDIASIScandidiasis n. (Pathology) A fungal infection of any of the Candida (yeast) species.
CANDIDIASIS n. a thrush-like infection caused by the candida fungus.
CONDIDDLINGcondiddling v. Present participle of condiddle.
CONDIDDLE v. (Scott) to steal.
DIDACTICISMdidacticism n. (Uncountable) An artistic philosophy that emphasises instructional and informative qualities over mere entertainment.
didacticism n. (Countable) A work, statement, etc. of this kind.
DIDACTICISM n. being didactic.
DIDACTYLISMdidactylism n. (Anatomy) The condition of having only two fingers on a hand, or only two toes on a foot.
DIDACTYLISM n. having twelve fingers.
DIDACTYLOUSdidactylous adj. (Zoology) Having only two digits; two-toed.
DIDACTYLOUS adj. having twelve fingers.
DIDANOSINESSorry, definition not available.
DIDGERIDOOSdidgeridoos n. Plural of didgeridoo.
DIDGERIDOO n. (Native Australian) a native Australian musical instrument, also DIDJERIDOO, DIDJERIDU.
DIDJERIDOOSdidjeridoos n. Plural of didjeridoo.
DIDJERIDOO n. (Native Australian) a native Australian musical instrument, also DIDGERIDOO, DIDJERIDU.
NONDIDACTICnondidactic adj. Not didactic.
NONDIDACTIC adj. not didactic.
PARADIDDLEDparadiddled v. Simple past tense and past participle of paradiddle.
PARADIDDLE v. to make a kind of drum roll using left and right sticks alternately.
PARADIDDLESparadiddles n. Plural of paradiddle.
PARADIDDLE v. to make a kind of drum roll using left and right sticks alternately.
SPLENDIDESTsplendidest adj. Superlative form of splendid: most splendid.
SPLENDID adj. magnificent.
SPLENDIDOUSsplendidous adj. Obsolete spelling of splendidious.
SPLENDIDOUS adj. (obsolete) splendid, also SPLENDIDIOUS.
TARADIDDLEStaradiddles n. Plural of taradiddle.
TARADIDDLE n. a fib; a piece of pretentious nonsense, also TARRADIDDLE.
TARRADIDDLEtarradiddle n. A trivial lie, a fib.
tarradiddle n. Silly talk or writing; humbug.
TARRADIDDLE n. a fib; a piece of pretentious nonsense, also TARADIDDLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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