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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing DAI

BUMPSADAISYbumpsadaisy interj. Used to accompany, or to apologise for, a bumping motion.
BUMPSADAISY interj. an exclamation on bumping into someone or something, or to a child on falling.
DAILINESSESDAILINESS n. the quality of being daily, also DAILYNESS.
DAILYNESSESDAILYNESS n. the state of being daily, also DAILINESS.
DAISYWHEELSdaisywheels n. Plural of daisywheel.
daisy␣wheels n. Plural of daisy wheel.
DAISYWHEEL n. a kind of printer.
EUDAIMONISMeudaimonism n. Alternative spelling of eudaemonism.
EUDAIMONISM n. the theory that the highest ethical goal is happiness and personal wellbeing, also EUDAEMONISM, EUDEMONISM.
EUDAIMONISTeudaimonist n. Alternative form of eudaemonist.
FOREORDAINSforeordains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foreordain.
FOREORDAIN v. to ordain or appoint beforehand.
GENOCIDAIREgenocidaire n. A person involved in perpetrating a genocide, especially the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
génocidaire n. Alternative form of genocidaire.
GENOCIDAIRE n. a person who is guilty of genocide.
HOLLANDAISEhollandaise n. Hollandaise sauce.
HOLLANDAISE n. (French) a sauce made with butter, egg-yolks, vinegar or white wine, and lemon juice, usually served with fish.
KURDAITCHASkurdaitchas n. Plural of kurdaitcha.
KURDAITCHA n. (Native Australian) in certain Central Australian aboriginal tribes, a man with the mission of avenging the death of a tribesman, also KADAITCHA.
ORDAINMENTSordainments n. Plural of ordainment.
ORDAINMENT n. the act of ordaining.
PREORDAINEDpreordained v. Simple past tense and past participle of preordain.
preordained adj. Determined in advance; predestined.
PREORDAIN v. to ordain in advance.
REORDAININGreordaining v. Present participle of reordain.
REORDAIN v. to ordain again.
SUPERDAINTYsuperdainty adj. (Rare) Very dainty.
SUPERDAINTY adj. extremely dainty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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