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There are 12 words containing CONVERSI

BIOCONVERSIONbioconversion n. The conversion of biological material into usable products; but especially the conversion of biomass into biofuel.
BIOCONVERSION n. the conversion of organic materials (as wastes) into an energy source (as methane) by processes (as fermentation) involving living organisms.
BIOCONVERSIONSbioconversions n. Plural of bioconversion.
BIOCONVERSION n. the conversion of organic materials (as wastes) into an energy source (as methane) by processes (as fermentation) involving living organisms.
CONVERSINGconversing v. Present participle of converse.
conversing n. Conversation.
CONVERSE v. to speak together.
CONVERSIONconversion n. The act of converting something or someone.
conversion n. (Computing) A software product converted from one platform to another.
conversion n. (Chemistry) A chemical reaction wherein a substrate is transformed into a product.
CONVERSIONALconversional adj. Relating to conversion.
CONVERSIONAL adj. relating to conversion, also CONVERSIONARY.
CONVERSIONARYconversionary adj. Relating to, or leading to conversion.
CONVERSIONARY adj. relating to conversion, also CONVERSIONAL.
CONVERSIONSconversions n. Plural of conversion.
CONVERSION n. the act of converting.
INTERCONVERSIONinterconversion n. Reciprocal or mutual conversion.
INTERCONVERSION n. mutual conversion.
RECONVERSIONreconversion n. The action of converting something again.
reconversion n. The action or renovating or converting a property.
RECONVERSION n. the act of reconverting.
RECONVERSIONSreconversions n. Plural of reconversion.
RECONVERSION n. the act of reconverting.
SEROCONVERSIONseroconversion n. (Immunology) The development of specific antibodies in the blood serum as a result of infection or immunization.
SEROCONVERSION n. the production of antibodies in response to an antigen.
SEROCONVERSIONSseroconversions n. Plural of seroconversion.
SEROCONVERSION n. the production of antibodies in response to an antigen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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