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There are 18 words containing CENTRISM

CENTRISMcentrism n. Any moderate political philosophy that avoids extremes.
-centrism suff. A focus on, or belief in the superiority of, one culture, people, place, or other thing.
CENTRISM n. a moderate political philosophy.
CENTRISMScentrisms n. Plural of centrism.
CENTRISM n. a moderate political philosophy.
BIOCENTRISMbiocentrism n. An ethical viewpoint that extends inherent value to all non-human life, regardless of its sentience.
biocentrism n. A cosmological theory viewing life and biology as central to being, reality, and the cosmos such that…
EGOCENTRISMegocentrism n. The constant following of one’s egotistical desires to an extreme.
EGOCENTRISM n. being egocentric, also EGOCENTRICITY.
BIOCENTRISMSSorry, definition not available.
EGOCENTRISMSegocentrisms n. Plural of egocentrism.
EGOCENTRISM n. being egocentric, also EGOCENTRICITY.
LOGOCENTRISMlogocentrism n. The analysis of literature, focusing on the words and grammar to the exclusion of context or literary merit.
LOGOCENTRISM n. a philosophy holding that all forms of thought are based on an external point of reference which is held to exist and given a certain degree of authority.
POLYCENTRISMpolycentrism n. A political or cultural system which contains many different centres, especially centres of authority or control.
polycentrism n. (Genetics) (of a chromosomes, etc) the existence of multiple central parts.
polycentrism n. The existence of more than one culture in a particular country or region.
THEOCENTRISMtheocentrism n. The quality of being theocentric.
THEOCENTRISM n. the belief that God is the central fact of existence.
ANDROCENTRISMandrocentrism n. An ideological focus on males and men, and issues affecting them, possibly to the detriment of non-males.
ANDROCENTRISM n. regarding the male sex as central or primary.
ETHNOCENTRISMethnocentrism n. The tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one’s own traditional, deferred…
ETHNOCENTRISM n. the state of being ethnocentric, also ETHNOCENTRICITY.
LOGOCENTRISMSlogocentrisms n. Plural of logocentrism.
LOGOCENTRISM n. a philosophy holding that all forms of thought are based on an external point of reference which is held to exist and given a certain degree of authority.
POLYCENTRISMSpolycentrisms n. Plural of polycentrism.
POLYCENTRISM n. the existence of many centers of Communist ideological thought.
THEOCENTRISMStheocentrisms n. Plural of theocentrism.
THEOCENTRISM n. the belief that God is the central fact of existence.
ANDROCENTRISMSANDROCENTRISM n. regarding the male sex as central or primary.
ETHNOCENTRISMSethnocentrisms n. Plural of ethnocentrism.
ETHNOCENTRISM n. the state of being ethnocentric, also ETHNOCENTRICITY.
PHALLOCENTRISMphallocentrism n. (Literally) Focus on the phallus.
phallocentrism n. (Figuratively) Focus on a male point of view.
PHALLOCENTRISM n. the state of being phallocentric.
PHALLOCENTRISMSphallocentrisms n. Plural of phallocentrism.
PHALLOCENTRISM n. the state of being phallocentric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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