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There are 7 words containing CRETIST

DECRETISTdecretist n. One who studies, or professes the knowledge of, the decretals.
DECRETIST n. one who studies, or professes the knowledge of, the decretals, also DECRETALIST.
CONCRETISTconcretist n. An artist of the concretism movement.
CONCRETIST n. one who regards or represents abstract things as concrete.
DECRETISTSdecretists n. Plural of decretist.
DECRETIST n. one who studies, or professes the knowledge of, the decretals, also DECRETALIST.
SYNCRETISTsyncretist n. One who attempts syncretism, the fusion of different systems or beliefs.
SYNCRETIST n. a believer in syncretism.
CONCRETISTSconcretists n. Plural of concretist.
CONCRETIST n. one who regards or represents abstract things as concrete.
SYNCRETISTSsyncretists n. Plural of syncretist.
SYNCRETIST n. a believer in syncretism.
SYNCRETISTICsyncretistic adj. Relating to the merging of two ideals, organizations or languages into one.
syncretistic adj. (Linguistics) Relating to a historical tendency for a language (such as English) to reduce its use of inflection.
SYNCRETISTIC adj. relating to syncretism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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