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There are 7 words containing CONGENE

CONGENERcongener n. A plant or animal of the same taxonomic genus as another.
congener n. A person or thing similar in behavior or nature to another.
congener n. (Chemistry) Any of a group of structurally related compounds.
CONGENERICcongeneric adj. Of or pertaining to congeners (organisms of the same genus).
congeneric n. Alternative form of congener.
CONGENERIC adj. of the same genus, origin or nature, also CONGENERICAL, CONGENEROUS.
CONGENERICALcongenerical adj. Congeneric.
CONGENERICAL adj. of the same genus, origin or nature, also CONGENERIC, CONGENEROUS.
CONGENERICScongenerics n. Plural of congeneric.
CONGENERIC n. something of the same genus.
CONGENEROUScongenerous adj. Having the same (kind of) origin or action.
congenerous adj. Belonging to the same taxonomic genus; congeneric.
CONGENEROUS adj. of the same genus, origin or nature, also CONGENERIC, CONGENERICAL.
CONGENERScongeners n. Plural of congener.
CONGENER n. something of the same kind or nature, also COGENER.
CONGENETICcongenetic adj. Having the same origin.
CONGENETIC adj. having common origin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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