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There are 15 words containing CHOGRAP

ECHOGRAPHechograph n. An instrument that uses ultrasound to produce an echogram as a diagnostic aid.
ECHOGRAPH n. an echo-sounder, used to measure the depth of water.
ECHOGRAPHSechographs n. Plural of echograph.
ECHOGRAPH n. an echo-sounder, used to measure the depth of water.
ECHOGRAPHYechography n. (Medicine) The use of ultrasound as a diagnostic aid.
ECHOGRAPHY n. medical examination of the internal structures of the body by means of ultrasound.
TACHOGRAPHtachograph n. A device that records the distance and time traveled by a vehicle (especially a truck or coach), used…
TACHOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording speed of rotation.
PSYCHOGRAPHpsychograph n. One of various graphical representations of a cognitive or psychological profile.
psychograph n. (Spiritualism) A photographic image having a supposed supernatural or spiritual origin.
psychograph n. (Spiritualism) Any of various devices used for automatic writing.
TACHOGRAPHStachographs n. Plural of tachograph.
TACHOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording speed of rotation.
ECHOGRAPHIESECHOGRAPHY n. medical examination of the internal structures of the body by means of ultrasound.
PSYCHOGRAPHSpsychographs n. Plural of psychograph.
psychographs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of psychograph.
PSYCHOGRAPH n. a photographic image attributed to a supernatural or spiritualistic cause.
PSYCHOGRAPHYpsychography n. (Spiritualism) The act of a spirit possessing one’s physical body in order to write something.
psychography n. A description of the psyche.
PSYCHOGRAPHY n. the production of images attributed to supernatural causes.
BRONCHOGRAPHYbronchography n. Radiography of the bronchus, involving the use of contrast.
BRONCHOGRAPHY n. radiological examination of the trachea or bronchi.
PSYCHOGRAPHICpsychographic adj. (Spiritualism) Relating to seances or occult communication.
psychographic adj. (Social sciences) Based on individual psychological characteristics, rather than demographic or other factors…
psychographic adj. Relating to psychographics.
PSYCHOGRAPHICSpsychographics n. The use of demographics to obtain marketing data from people’s attitudes, lifestyles etc.
PSYCHOGRAPHICS n. the quantitive study of personalities and attitudes, used as a tool in marketing.
PSYCHOGRAPHIESpsychographies n. Plural of psychography.
PSYCHOGRAPHY n. the production of images attributed to supernatural causes.
BRONCHOGRAPHIESBRONCHOGRAPHY n. radiological examination of the trachea or bronchi.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 47 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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