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There are 8 words containing CENTURI

CENTURIALcenturial adj. Of or pertaining to a century.
CENTURIAL adj. of or pertaining to a century.
CENTURIEScenturies n. Plural of century.
CENTURY n. a period of a hundred years.
CENTURIONcenturion n. (Historical) An officer of the ancient Roman army, in command of a century of soldiers.
centurion n. (Cricket) A player who scores a century.
centurion n. (US) A pilot in the United States Navy who has performed 100 night landings on an aircraft carrier.
CENTURIONScenturions n. Plural of centurion.
CENTURION n. (Latin) the leader of a Roman century, one hundred men.
CENTURIATORcenturiator n. A historian who distinguishes time by centuries, especially one of those who wrote the Magdeburg Centuries.
CENTURIATOR n. one of a group of sixteenth century Reformed divines of Magdeburg who compiled a church history in 13 volumes, each volume covering a century.
CENTURIATIONcenturiation n. A method of land measurement used in Ancient Rome, characterised by the regular layout of a square grid…
CENTURIATION n. division into hundreds.
CENTURIATORScenturiators n. Plural of centuriator.
CENTURIATOR n. one of a group of sixteenth century Reformed divines of Magdeburg who compiled a church history in 13 volumes, each volume covering a century.
CENTURIATIONSCENTURIATION n. division into hundreds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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