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There are 7 words containing CANTILE

CANTILENAcantilena n. (Music) A vocal melody or instrumental passage in a smooth, lyrical style.
CANTILENA n. (Italian) a smooth, flowing melody or vocal style.
CANTILENAScantilenas n. Plural of cantilena.
CANTILENA n. (Italian) a smooth, flowing melody or vocal style.
CANTILEVERcantilever n. (Architecture) A beam anchored at one end and projecting into space, such as a long bracket projecting…
cantilever n. A beam anchored at one end and used as a lever within a microelectromechanical system.
cantilever n. (Figure skating) A technique, similar to the spread eagle, in which the skater travels along a deep…
CANTILEVEREDcantilevered v. Simple past tense and past participle of cantilever.
cantilevered adj. Fitted with, or constituting, a cantilever; projecting out laterally from a wall or similar support…
CANTILEVER v. to project or support like a cantilever.
CANTILEVERINGcantilevering v. Present participle of cantilever.
cantilevering n. The motion or use of a cantilever.
CANTILEVER v. to project or support like a cantilever.
CANTILEVERScantilevers n. Plural of cantilever.
CANTILEVER v. to project or support like a cantilever.
MERCANTILEmercantile adj. (Economics) Concerned with the exchange of goods for profit.
mercantile adj. (Economics) Of or relating to mercantilism.
MERCANTILE adj. of or relating to merchants or trading.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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