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There are 17 words containing CANDIDA

CANDIDAcandida n. (Medicine, informal) A yeast of the genus Candida, usually specifically Candida albicans.
Candida prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the order Saccharomycetales – several yeasts, some of which cause fungal infections…
CANDIDA n. (Latin) a parasitic, yeastlike fungus, that causes the infection candidiasis.
CANDIDALcandidal adj. Of or pertaining to the genus Candida of yeasts.
CANDIDAL adj. of or like candida, a parasitic, yeastlike fungus.
CANDIDAScandidas n. Plural of candida.
CANDIDA n. (Latin) a parasitic, yeastlike fungus, that causes the infection candidiasis.
CANDIDACYcandidacy n. The state of being a candidate; candidateship.
CANDIDACY n. the state of being a candidate.
CANDIDATEcandidate n. A person who is running in an election.
candidate n. A person who is applying for a job.
candidate n. A participant in an examination.
CANDIDATEScandidates n. Plural of candidate.
CANDIDATE n. a person who seeks or is nominated for any office or honour.
CANDIDACIEScandidacies n. Plural of candidacy.
CANDIDACY n. the state of being a candidate.
CANDIDATUREcandidature n. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) The condition of becoming a candidate; candidateship.
CANDIDATURE n. the state of being a candidate.
CANDIDATUREScandidatures n. Plural of candidature.
CANDIDATURE n. the state of being a candidate.
NONCANDIDACYnoncandidacy n. Failure to run as a candidate.
NONCANDIDACY n. the fact of not being a candidate.
NONCANDIDATEnoncandidate n. (Politics) Someone who is not an official candidate for an office.
NONCANDIDATE n. a person who is not a candidate.
CANDIDATESHIPcandidateship n. Candidacy.
CANDIDATESHIP n. the office of candidate.
NONCANDIDATESnoncandidates n. Plural of noncandidate.
NONCANDIDATE n. a person who is not a candidate.
CANDIDATESHIPScandidateships n. Plural of candidateship.
CANDIDATESHIP n. the office of candidate.
MULTICANDIDATEmulticandidate adj. Involving multiple candidates.
NONCANDIDACIESnoncandidacies n. Plural of noncandidacy.
NONCANDIDACY n. the fact of not being a candidate.
MULTICANDIDATESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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