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There are 8 ten-letter words containing CONCERT

CONCERTINAconcertina n. (Music) A musical instrument, like the various accordions, that is a member of the free-reed family…
concertina n. Something resembling a concertina, such as a folded book, a bus door or a set of picture frames that…
concertina n. Coiled barbed wire for use as an obstacle.
CONCERTINGconcerting v. Present participle of concert.
concerting n. Concerted activity; something done together by two or more people.
CONCERT v. to construct or devise together.
CONCERTINIconcertini n. Plural of concertino.
CONCERTINO n. (Italian) a short concerto.
CONCERTINOconcertino n. (Music) A short concerto.
concertino n. (Music) The group of solo instruments in a concerto grosso.
concertino n. (Music) A section in a concerto grosso played by three instruments.
CONCERTISEconcertise v. Alternative form of concertize.
CONCERTISE v. to perform professionally in concerts, also CONCERTIZE.
CONCERTIZEconcertize v. (US) To perform in concerts.
concertize v. To adapt to the concert form.
CONCERTIZE v. to perform professionally in concerts, also CONCERTISE.
DISCONCERTdisconcert v. (Transitive) To upset the composure of.
disconcert v. (Transitive) To bring into confusion.
disconcert v. (Transitive) To frustrate, discomfit.
PRECONCERTpreconcert adj. Occurring before or in preparation for a concert.
preconcert n. Something concerted or arranged beforehand; a previous agreement.
preconcert v. To concert or arrange beforehand; to settle by previous agreement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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