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There are 14 words containing CULENT

ESCULENTesculent adj. Suitable for eating; eatable, edible.
esculent adj. (Figuratively) “Good enough to eat”; attractive.
esculent n. Something edible, especially a vegetable; a comestible.
ESCULENTSesculents n. Plural of esculent.
ESCULENT n. something that is edible.
FECULENTfeculent adj. Dirty with faeces or other impurities.
FECULENT adj. full of filth or waste matter.
FLOCCULENTflocculent adj. Flocculated, resembling bits of wool; woolly.
flocculent adj. Covered in a woolly substance; downy.
flocculent adj. Flaky.
FLOCCULENTLYflocculently adv. In a flocculent manner.
FLOCCULENT adv. clothed with small flocks or flakes; woolly.
INESCULENTinesculent adj. Inedible.
INESCULENT adj. (archaic) inedible.
LUCULENTluculent adj. (Now rare) Shining, brilliant.
luculent adj. (Obsolete) Of language, speeches etc: lucid, brilliantly clear.
LUCULENT adj. readily understood; lucid.
LUCULENTLYluculently adv. In a luculent manner; clearly.
LUCULENT adv. readily understood; lucid.
MUCULENTmuculent adj. Slimy; moist and moderately viscous.
MUCULENT adj. like mucus.
SUCCULENTsucculent adj. Juicy or lush.
succulent adj. Luscious or delectable.
succulent adj. (Botany) Having fleshy leaves or other tissues that store water.
SUCCULENTLYsucculently adv. In a succulent way.
SUCCULENT adv. juicy, sappy.
SUCCULENTSsucculents n. Plural of succulent.
SUCCULENT n. a plant, such as a cactus, that stores water in its stem and leaves.
TRUCULENTtruculent adj. Cruel or savage.
truculent adj. Deadly or destructive.
truculent adj. Defiant or uncompromising.
TRUCULENTLYtruculently adv. With aggression; savagely.
TRUCULENT adv. aggressive and discourteous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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