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There are 11 words containing CROPRO

MICROPROBEmicroprobe n. (Chemistry) An instrument used to determine the chemical composition at a point on a solid surface…
MICROPROBE n. a device that produces a very thin electron beam by which the chemical makeup of various compounds may be examined.
MICROPROOFmicroproof adj. That may be used in a microwave oven without damage.
MICROPROBESmicroprobes n. Plural of microprobe.
MICROPROBE n. a device that produces a very thin electron beam by which the chemical makeup of various compounds may be examined.
MICROPROGRAMmicroprogram n. (Computing) a set of microinstructions in a CPU, used to implement machine instructions.
microprogram v. (Computing) to manually write a microprogram.
MICROPROGRAM n. a routine composed of microinstructions used in microprogramming.
MICROPROGRAMSmicroprograms n. Plural of microprogram.
MICROPROGRAM n. a routine composed of microinstructions used in microprogramming.
MICROPROCESSORmicroprocessor n. (Computer hardware) the entire CPU of a computer on a single integrated circuit (chip).
MICROPROCESSOR n. a computer processor contained on an integrated-circuit chip.
MICROPROJECTORmicroprojector n. A very small image projector that can be held in the hand.
MICROPROJECTOR n. a projector utilizing a compound microscope for projecting on a screen a greatly enlarged image of a microscopic object.
MICROPROCESSINGmicroprocessing n. The use of microprocessors.
MICROPROCESSING n. the processing of data by a microprocessor.
MICROPROCESSORSmicroprocessors n. Plural of microprocessor.
MICROPROCESSOR n. a computer processor contained on an integrated-circuit chip.
MICROPROJECTIONmicroprojection n. A microscopically small projection.
MICROPROJECTION n. the use of a microprojector, a projector utilizing a compound microscope for projecting on a screen a greatly enlarged image of a microscopic object.
MICROPROJECTORSmicroprojectors n. Plural of microprojector.
MICROPROJECTOR n. a projector utilizing a compound microscope for projecting on a screen a greatly enlarged image of a microscopic object.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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