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There are 17 words containing CROPHY

MACROPHYLAmacrophyla n. Plural of macrophylum.
MACROPHYLUM n. a large phylum, as in New Guinea macrophylum.
MACROPHYTEmacrophyte n. (Biology) Any normal macroscopic plant, especially an aquatic one.
MACROPHYTE n. a macroscopic plant in an aquatic environment.
MICROPHYLLmicrophyll n. (Botany) A leaf having a single unbranched vein, or a structure that is derived from such a leaf.
microphyll n. (Botany) A very small leaf.
MICROPHYLL n. a type of (usually small) leaf having a single medial vein, characteristic of the glycophytes (clubmosses, spike mosses, and quillworts).
MICROPHYTEmicrophyte n. (Biology) Any microscopic plant or alga.
MICROPHYTE n. a very minute plant, one of certain unicellular algae, such as the germs of various infectious diseases are believed to be.
MACROPHYLUMmacrophylum n. (Linguistics) A group of two or more related language phylums.
MACROPHYLUM n. a large phylum, as in New Guinea macrophylum.
MACROPHYTESmacrophytes n. Plural of macrophyte.
MACROPHYTE n. a macroscopic plant in an aquatic environment.
MACROPHYTICmacrophytic adj. Relating to macrophytes.
MACROPHYTIC adj. relating to a macrophyte.
MICROPHYLLSmicrophylls n. Plural of microphyll.
MICROPHYLL n. a type of (usually small) leaf having a single medial vein, characteristic of the glycophytes (clubmosses, spike mosses, and quillworts).
MICROPHYTESmicrophytes n. Plural of microphyte.
MICROPHYTE n. a very minute plant, one of certain unicellular algae, such as the germs of various infectious diseases are believed to be.
MICROPHYTICmicrophytic adj. Relating to microphytes.
MICROPHYTIC adj. of or like a microphyte.
MACROPHYSICSmacrophysics n. (Physics) The branch of physics that deals with those phenomena that can be directly observed.
MACROPHYSICS n. the branch of physics concerned with macroscopic systems and objects.
MICROPHYSICSmicrophysics n. (Physics) That branch of physics that deals with objects smaller than a molecule.
MICROPHYSICS n. the physics of molecules, atoms, and elementary particles.
MICROPHYLLOUSmicrophyllous adj. (Phytotomy) Of or having microphyll leaves.
MICROPHYLLOUS adj. having minute leaves.
MICROPHYSICALmicrophysical adj. Of or pertaining to microphysics.
MICROPHYSICAL adj. relating to microphysics.
MICROPHYSICISTmicrophysicist n. One who studies microphysics.
MICROPHYSICIST n. a physicist who specializes in microphysics.
MICROPHYSICALLYmicrophysically adv. In terms of microphysics.
MICROPHYSICAL adv. relating to microphysics.
MICROPHYSICISTSmicrophysicists n. Plural of microphysicist.
MICROPHYSICIST n. a physicist who specializes in microphysics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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