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There are 17 words containing CORROS

ANTICORROSIONanticorrosion adj. Preventing corrosion.
ANTICORROSION n. the prevention or counteracting of corrosion.
ANTICORROSIONSANTICORROSION n. the prevention or counteracting of corrosion.
ANTICORROSIVEanticorrosive n. An agent that prevents or stops corrosion.
anticorrosive adj. Preventing or counteracting corrosion.
ANTICORROSIVE n. a substance designed to counteract corrosion.
ANTICORROSIVESanticorrosives n. Plural of anticorrosive.
ANTICORROSIVE n. a substance designed to counteract corrosion.
CORROSIBILITIEScorrosibilities n. Plural of corrosibility.
CORROSIBILITY n. the quality of being corrosible, also CORRODIBILITY.
CORROSIBILITYcorrosibility n. Corrodibility; quality or degree of being subject to corrosion.
CORROSIBILITY n. the quality of being corrosible, also CORRODIBILITY.
CORROSIBLEcorrosible adj. (Rare) corrodible.
CORROSIBLE adj. able to be corroded, also CORRODIBLE.
CORROSIONcorrosion n. The act of corroding or the condition so produced.
corrosion n. A substance (such as rust) so formed.
corrosion n. (Chemistry) Erosion by chemical action, especially oxidation.
CORROSIONScorrosions n. Plural of corrosion.
CORROSION n. the act of eating, wearing, or wasting away.
CORROSIVEcorrosive adj. Eating away; having the power of gradually wearing, hanging, or destroying the texture or substance…
corrosive adj. Having the quality of fretting or vexing.
corrosive adj. Destroying or undermining something gradually.
CORROSIVELYcorrosively adv. In a corrosive manner.
CORROSIVE adv. having the power to corrode, also CORSIVE.
CORROSIVENESScorrosiveness n. The quality or property of corroding or being corrosive, of eating away or disintegrating; acrimony.
corrosiveness n. (Figuratively) Such property in some immaterial agent.
corrosiveness n. Some property characteristic of a corrosive substance, as its taste.
CORROSIVEScorrosives n. Plural of corrosive.
CORROSIVE n. a corrosive substance.
NONCORROSIVEnoncorrosive adj. That does not cause corrosion.
NONCORROSIVE adj. not corrosive.
NONCORROSIVESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 28 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 18 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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