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There are 11 words containing CONCIS

CONCISEconcise adj. Brief, yet including all important information.
concise adj. (Obsolete) Physically short or truncated.
concise v. (India, transitive) To make concise; to abridge or summarize.
CONCISEDconcised v. Simple past tense and past participle of concise.
CONCISE v. (Milton) to mutilate.
CONCISELYconcisely adv. In a concise manner, briefly, without excessive length.
CONCISE adv. succinct.
CONCISENESSconciseness n. The property of being concise; succinctness.
CONCISENESS n. the state of being concise.
CONCISENESSESCONCISENESS n. the state of being concise.
CONCISERconciser adj. Comparative form of concise: more concise.
CONCISE adj. succinct.
CONCISESconcises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of concise.
CONCISE v. (Milton) to mutilate.
CONCISESTconcisest adj. Superlative form of concise: most concise.
CONCISE adj. succinct.
CONCISINGconcising v. Present participle of concise.
CONCISE v. (Milton) to mutilate.
CONCISIONconcision n. (Somewhat rare) Conciseness, brevity or terseness.
concision n. A form of media censorship where discussions are limited in topics on the basis of broadcast time allotments.
concision n. A cutting off; a division; a schism or faction.
CONCISIONSconcisions n. Plural of concision.
CONCISION n. schism; separation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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