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There are 20 words containing COLORE

BICOLOREDbicolored adj. Alternative form of bicoloured.
BICOLORED adj. (US) having two colors, also BICOLOURED.
COLORECTALcolorectal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the colorectum.
COLORECTAL adj. relating to the colon and rectum.
COLOREDcolored adj. (American spelling) Having a color.
colored adj. Having a particular color or kind of color.
colored adj. Having prominent colors; colorful.
COLOREDScoloreds n. Plural of colored.
COLORED n. a colored person.
COLORERcolorer n. One who colors.
COLORER n. one that colors, also COLOURER.
COLORERScolorers n. Plural of colorer.
COLORER n. one that colors, also COLOURER.
DECOLOREDdecolored v. Simple past tense and past participle of decolor.
DECOLOR v. to deprive of color, also DECOLOUR.
DISCOLOREDdiscolored adj. Deprived of color, or given the wrong color; pale, stained.
discolored adj. (Obsolete) Multicolored.
discolored v. Simple past tense and past participle of discolor.
MISCOLOREDmiscolored adj. Alternative spelling of miscoloured.
MISCOLOR v. to color incorrectly, also MISCOLOUR.
MULTICOLOREDmulticolored adj. (American spelling) Having multiple colors.
multi-colored adj. Alternative form of multicolored.
MULTICOLORED adj. having many colors, also MULTICOLOURED.
NONCOLOREDnoncolored adj. Not colored.
NONCOLORED adj. not coloured, also NONCOLOURED.
NONCOLOREDSSorry, definition not available.
OVERCOLOREDovercolored adj. Rendered too colourful; with an excess of color.
overcolored adj. Exaggerated.
overcolored v. Simple past tense and past participle of overcolor.
PARTICOLOREDparticolored adj. US standard spelling of particoloured.
parti-colored adj. Alternative form of particoloured.
PARTICOLORED adj. having many colours, also PARTICOLOURED.
RECOLOREDrecolored v. Simple past tense and past participle of recolor.
RECOLOR v. to color again, also RECOLOUR.
TRICOLOREDtricolored adj. Having three colours; tricolor.
tri-colored adj. Alternative form of tricolored.
TRICOLORED adj. having three colors, also TRICOLOURED.
UNCOLOREDuncolored adj. (American spelling) Having no color; not treated with a dye or other color.
UNCOLORED adj. not colored, also UNCOLOURED.
UNICOLOREDunicolored adj. Being only one color.
VARICOLOREDvaricolored adj. Having a variety of colors; variegated or motley.
VARICOLORED adj. of different colours, also VARICOLOURED.
VERSICOLOREDversicolored adj. Alternative spelling of versicoloured.
VERSICOLORED adj. of variable or various colours, also VERSICOLOR, VERSICOLOUR, VERSICOLOURED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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