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There are 12 words containing COATIN

COATINGcoating n. A thin outer layer.
coating n. (Archaic) Cloth for making coats.
coating n. (Law enforcement slang) A telling-off; a reprimand.
COATINGScoatings n. Plural of coating.
COATING n. a covering layer.
OVERCOATINGovercoating v. Present participle of overcoat.
overcoating n. Cloth for making overcoats.
OVERCOATING n. cloth for overcoats.
OVERCOATINGSovercoatings n. Plural of overcoating.
OVERCOATING n. cloth for overcoats.
RECOATINGrecoating v. Present participle of recoat.
recoating n. A second or subsequent coating.
RECOAT v. to coat again.
SUGARCOATINGsugarcoating v. Present participle of sugarcoat.
sugar-coating v. Present participle of sugar-coat.
sugar␣coating v. Present participle of sugar coat.
UNCOATINGuncoating n. (Virology) A process in which the viral capsid of a virus is removed, leading to the release of the…
uncoating v. Present participle of uncoat.
UNCOATING n. the action of releasing viral nucleic acid from a virus or exposing the interior of a virus enough to facilitate replication by stripping away the outer layers of the viral coat.
UNCOATINGSUNCOATING n. the action of releasing viral nucleic acid from a virus or exposing the interior of a virus enough to facilitate replication by stripping away the outer layers of the viral coat.
UNDERCOATINGundercoating n. A coat of paint or other material applied onto a surface before that of a topcoat; an undercoat.
undercoating v. Present participle of undercoat.
UNDERCOATING n. an undercoat of paint.
UNDERCOATINGSundercoatings n. Plural of undercoating.
UNDERCOATING n. an undercoat of paint.
WAISTCOATINGwaistcoating n. A fabric designed for waistcoats, often with a multicoloured pattern of different yarns.
WAISTCOATING n. material for men's waistcoats, esp. of a fancy pattern.
WAISTCOATINGSwaistcoatings n. Plural of waistcoating.
WAISTCOATING n. material for men's waistcoats, esp. of a fancy pattern.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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