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There are 10 words containing CERVAT

ACERVATEacervate adj. (Chiefly botany, rare) Heaped, or growing in heaps, or closely compacted clusters.
acervate v. (Obsolete) To heap up.
ACERVATE adj. heaped.
ACERVATELYacervately adv. In an acervate manner.
ACERVATE adv. heaped.
ACERVATIONacervation n. (Obsolete, rare) A heaping up; accumulation.
ACERVATION n. the action of heaping up; an accumulation.
ACERVATIONSacervations n. Plural of acervation.
ACERVATION n. the action of heaping up; an accumulation.
COACERVATEcoacervate adj. (Obsolete) Clumped together, clustered.
coacervate n. (Chemistry) The microsphere droplet that results from coacervation.
COACERVATE v. to heap; to cause to mass together.
COACERVATEDcoacervated adj. That has undergone coacervation.
COACERVATE v. to heap; to cause to mass together.
COACERVATEScoacervates n. Plural of coacervate.
COACERVATE v. to heap; to cause to mass together.
COACERVATINGCOACERVATE v. to heap; to cause to mass together.
COACERVATIONcoacervation n. The separation of a colloidal system into two liquid phases, one of which (the coacervate) is more concentrated…
COACERVATION n. an aggregation of particles of an emulsoid into liquid droplets before flocculation.
COACERVATIONScoacervations n. Plural of coacervation.
COACERVATION n. an aggregation of particles of an emulsoid into liquid droplets before flocculation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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