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There are 16 words containing CENSUR

CENSURABILITIESCENSURABILITY n. the ability to be censured.
CENSURABILITYcensurability n. The state or condition of being censurable; blameworthiness.
CENSURABILITY n. the ability to be censured.
CENSURABLEcensurable adj. Deserving of censure; blameworthy.
CENSURABLE adj. worthy of censure.
CENSURABLENESScensurableness n. The state or condition of being censurable; blameworthiness.
CENSURABLE n. worthy of censure.
CENSURABLYcensurably adv. In a censurable manner.
CENSURABLE adv. worthy of censure.
CENSUREcensure n. The act of blaming, criticizing, or condemning as wrong; reprehension.
censure n. An official reprimand.
censure n. Judicial or ecclesiastical sentence or reprimand; condemnatory judgment.
CENSUREDcensured v. Simple past tense and past participle of censure.
CENSURE v. to condemn as wrong.
CENSURERcensurer n. One who censures.
CENSURER n. one who censures.
CENSURERScensurers n. Plural of censurer.
CENSURER n. one who censures.
CENSUREScensures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of censure.
CENSURE v. to condemn as wrong.
CENSURINGcensuring v. Present participle of censure.
censuring n. An act of censure.
CENSURE v. to condemn as wrong.
LICENSURElicensure n. The act of conferring a license for an activity.
licensure n. The condition of being licensed.
LICENSURE n. the act of licensing or granting of a licence, esp. for professional practice.
LICENSURESlicensures n. Plural of licensure.
LICENSURE n. the act of licensing or granting of a licence, esp. for professional practice.
RELICENSURErelicensure n. The act or process of reobtaining a license, either as a renewal or after a period of lapse or delicensure.
RELICENSURE n. a renewal of a licensure.
RELICENSURESrelicensures n. Plural of relicensure.
RELICENSURE n. a renewal of a licensure.
UNCENSUREDuncensured adj. Not censured.
UNCENSURED adj. not censured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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