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There are 16 words containing CENSIO

ACCENSIONaccension n. (Obsolete) The act of kindling or the state of being kindled; ignition.
ACCENSION n. the act of kindling or the state of being kindled.
ASCENSIONascension n. The act of ascending; an ascent.
ascension n. A transcendence of the material world; a transition to a higher form, state, or plane of existence.
ascension n. That which rises, as from distillation.
RECENSIONrecension n. A census, an enumeration, a review, a survey.
recension n. A critical revision of a text.
recension n. A text established by critical revision.
ACCENSIONSaccensions n. Plural of accension.
ACCENSION n. the act of kindling or the state of being kindled.
ASCENSIONSascensions n. Plural of ascension.
ASCENSION n. an ascent to heaven, esp. Christ's.
DESCENSIONdescension n. (Now rare) Descent; the act of descending.
descension n. (Astronomy, obsolete) The descent below the horizon of a celestial body.
DESCENSION n. the act of going downward.
RECENSIONSrecensions n. Plural of recension.
RECENSION n. the act of reviewing or revising.
ASCENSIONALascensional adj. (Astronomy) Relating to ascension.
ASCENSIONAL adj. of or relating to ascension or ascent.
DESCENSIONSdescensions n. Plural of descension.
DESCENSION n. the act of going downward.
REASCENSIONreascension n. The act of reascending; a second or subsequent ascension.
REASCENSION n. the act of ascending again esp. to heaven.
ASCENSIONISTascensionist n. One who carries out ascents, such as a balloonist or mountaineer.
ASCENSIONIST n. a person who has completed a mountain ascent, esp. a notable one.
DESCENSIONALdescensional adj. Relating to descension.
DESCENSIONAL adj. characterised by descension.
REASCENSIONSreascensions n. Plural of reascension.
REASCENSION n. the act of ascending again esp. to heaven.
ASCENSIONISTSascensionists n. Plural of ascensionist.
ASCENSIONIST n. a person who has completed a mountain ascent, esp. a notable one.
CONDESCENSIONcondescension n. The act of condescending; a manner of behaving in an outwardly polite way that nevertheless implies…
condescension n. (Usually uncountable, derogatory) A patronizing attitude or behavior.
condescension n. (Archaic, non-derogatory) Courtesy, affability of a superior towards an inferior.
CONDESCENSIONScondescensions n. Plural of condescension.
CONDESCENSION n. voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in relations with an inferior.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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