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There are 8 words containing CANNER

CANNERcanner n. Someone or something which cans.
canner n. A large pot used for processing jars when preserving food, either in a boiling water bath or by capturing…
canner n. (US, slang) Someone who lives off container deposit refunds from recycling.
CANNERScanners n. Plural of canner.
Canners prop.n. Plural of Canner.
CANNER n. one that cans food.
CANNERYcannery n. A factory that produces canned goods.
CANNERY n. a place where food is canned.
SCANNERscanner n. A device which scans documents in order to convert them to a digital medium.
scanner n. A radio receiver which iterates through a sequence of frequencies to detect signal.
scanner n. A device which uses radiation (Ultrasound, X-ray, etc.) to generate images of tissue or surfaces for…
SCANNERSscanners n. Plural of scanner.
SCANNER n. a device for scanning documents.
CANNERIEScanneries n. Plural of cannery.
CANNERY n. a place where food is canned.
SCINTISCANNERscintiscanner n. The apparatus used to make a scintiscan.
SCINTISCANNER n. a device for producing scintiscans.
SCINTISCANNERSscintiscanners n. Plural of scintiscanner.
SCINTISCANNER n. a device for producing scintiscans.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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