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There are 10 words containing CANNEL

CANNELcannel n. A bituminous coal that burns brightly with much smoke.
CANNEL n. a type of dull coal that burns with a smoky luminous flame.
CANNELLINIcannellini n. A type of white bean used in Italian cooking.
CANNELLINI n. (Italian) the white haricot beans used in French and Italian cooking, also CANELLINI.
CANNELLINIScannellinis n. Plural of cannellini.
CANNELLINI n. (Italian) the white haricot beans used in French and Italian cooking, also CANELLINI.
CANNELLONIcannelloni n. Wide tubes of pasta filled with a savoury stuffing and baked in the oven.
CANNELLONI n. (Italian) a kind of pasta.
CANNELONcannelon n. (Cooking, obsolete) A fluted mold, or dish prepared in such a mold.
CANNELON n. (Italian) a stuffed roll.
CANNELONICANNELONI n. (Italian) pasta in the shape of tubes, which are usually stuffed.
CANNELONScannelons n. Plural of cannelon.
CANNELON n. (Italian) a stuffed roll.
CANNELScannels n. Plural of cannel.
CANNEL n. a type of dull coal that burns with a smoky luminous flame.
CANNELUREcannelure n. (Firearms) A ringlike groove, such as that around the cylinder of an elongated bullet for small arms…
CANNELURE n. (French) a groove or fluting, esp. around a bullet etc.
CANNELUREScannelures n. Plural of cannelure.
CANNELURE n. (French) a groove or fluting, esp. around a bullet etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 21 words
  • Scrabble in French: 57 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 143 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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