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There are 6 words containing CALCED

CALCEDcalced adj. (Rare) Wearing shoes; used especially of religious orders.
CALCED adj. wearing shoes, esp. of religious orders, as opposed to discalced.
CALCEDONIEScalcedonies n. Plural of calcedony.
CALCEDONY n. a form of quartz, microscopically fibrous with waxy luster, also CHALCEDONY.
CALCEDONIOCALCEDONIO n. a type of Venetian coloured glass resembling natural stones like chalcedony.
CALCEDONIOSCALCEDONIO n. a type of Venetian coloured glass resembling natural stones like chalcedony.
CALCEDONYcalcedony n. Alternative form of chalcedony.
CALCEDONY n. a form of quartz, microscopically fibrous with waxy luster, also CHALCEDONY.
DISCALCEDdiscalced adj. (Roman Catholicism) Pertaining to a religious order that historically forswore the wearing of shoes.
discalced adj. (Formal, more generally) Shoeless; without shoes on; barefoot, or wearing sandals rather than shoes.
DISCALCED adj. unshod; barefoot as in discalced friars.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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